(Washington France New Dian) Esterviz, deputy minister of the United States, said that China ’s largest chip manufacturer SMIC (SMIC) is a sanctioned telecommunications giant Huawei production processor and may violate US law.

Estwitz is responsible for the Industry and Security Bureau in the Ministry of Commerce, including responsible for chip export control and sanctions.At the parliamentary hearing on Thursday (March 21), some members asked SMIC to produce advanced Seven -nano -chip Whether it violates the US export control, Estviz replied: "Maybe, we must evaluate this."

U.S. hearing is discussing whether SMIC illegally uses chip production chips.SMIC's stock price fell more than 5 % in the Hong Kong Hang Seng Index on Friday (22nd).

China Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian was questioned at a regular press conference on Friday that China firmly safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises, resolutely opposed the concept of the US generalized national security, the abuse of national power, and unreasonable targeting Chinese enterprises.

He said that the United States should correct the wrong approach and provide Chinese companies with a fair, fair and non -discriminated business environment.