(Tel Aviv / Gasha Composite Electric) Due to the veto of Russia and China, the Gagosa ceasefire decision proposed by the United States failed to be obtained in the Security Council.At the same time, the Israeli Prime Minister Negatrou told U.S. Secretary of State Brillings that even if he did not receive the support of the United States, the Israeli army would also open Laifa Town.

On the morning of Friday (March 22) in the United States, the United Nations Security Council voted in the United States Resolution .The resolution called for six weeks of "immediately and continuous ceasefire" to protect the civilians in Gaza and let assist of supplies enter Gasha.Russia's representative of the United Nations Nebizia pointed out that the resolution was political and entered the Lafa green light for Israel.

Some analysts pointed out that the United States's proposal shows that it has become more tough for Israel's position.The United States has repeatedly opposed the use of ceasefire and rejected measures that require immediately ceasefire.The United States rejected a ceasefire resolution on February 20, the fourth time since the outbreak of the Harbin conflict.

U.S. Secretary of State Brosky (middle) arrived at Tel Aviv on March 22, and then talked to the Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu.(Reuters)

In terms of diplomatic mediation, Brinken met with Neganahu after arriving in Tel Aviv on Friday, trying to shorten the increasing position gap between the two countries on the Gaza issue.

Nei Tanahu told Brinken that Israel will launch an ground offensive on Lafa regardless of whether the United States supports.He said that if he did not enter Rafa, he could not destroy Hamas.

It is understood that Israeli and senior US officials will talk in Washington next week. At that time, the United States will propose an alternative to Israel to hunt Hamas to stop Israel's comprehensive attack on Latha that endangers more civilian lives.

is the Palestinian of the Gagsa Strip.The photo on March 21 showed that the aid package with parachutes was thrown off from a military aircraft.(Agence France -Presse)

Since the outbreak of the Harbin War on October 7th, this is the sixth visit to the Middle East for Brillin. He met Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed on Wednesday (20th).EssenceWhile Blingken was conducting dense diplomatic activities, the Gaza ceasefire negotiations held in the capital of Qatar's capital continued.

Israeli Intelligence Chief also participated in a ceasefire negotiations held in Qatar. The focus of the negotiation is a proposal for six weeks to suspend the battle for six weeks. During this period, Hamas released about 40 hostages it seized in exchange for the number of Israeli prisons in exchange for Israeli prison.Hundred Palestinian people.

Brintken said before that he believed that Israel and Hamas could still reach a ceasefire agreement under the mediation of the United States, Qatar, and Egypt.Brinken told reporters on Cairo on Thursday that "differences are shrinking."He said: "It is difficult to achieve this goal, but I believe it is still possible."

Multiple UN rescue agencies warned that Gaza's Palestinians faced famine.Blingken said at a press conference on Thursday evening that Israel must take more action to relieve Gaza's humanitarian disasters.

Israel insists on launching military operations in Rafa.Photos on March 22 showed that under the tight air strikes of the Israeli Army, La Fa was close to the ruins.(Reuters)

Brinken pointed out at a press conference in Cairo that it would be a mistake to enter La Fa in the army.He believes that there is a better way to deal with Hamas's threat.The Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Delmer stated in a podcast program in the United States on Thursday that Israel will still enter Lafa even if the world, including the United States, will still be involved in La Fa.Demo pointed out that the United States did not explicitly deny Israel's military operations in Rafa.

According to the data provided by the Gaza Health Managed by Hamas, the war has killed more than 30,000 people.The United Kingdom and Australia issued a joint statement on Friday, calling on Yaha to stop fighting immediately.The two countries also pointed out that many civilians in Gaza are taking refuge, and if the army attacks and pulls, it may cause devastating consequences.