Israeli Prime Minister Neitarhu disdains the warning of the United States, emphasizing that it is necessary to send troops to Lafa in the southern city of Gaza Strip in the southern part of Gaza to eliminate Palestine's radical organization Hamas.

The New York Times reported that Neutanahu acknowledged on Tuesday (March 19) that he and the United States Bayeng administration would .Launch the ground offensive to Lafa Different opinions.Although the United States and major allies have called for him to restrain, Neutana said that Israel will still promote the ground operation of Lafa.

U.S. President Bayeng Monday (18th) warned when he talked with Neitahu, and Israel paid for La Fa Opening the ground offensive will be a mistake .

U.S. National Security Consultant Sarawan said after the two of them called that Israel's goal "can be achieved through other methods", and pointed out that Tanahu has agreed to send a high -level cross -department team to Washington to understand the original reason for the United States of concern.And discuss the alternative to annihilating Hamas.

Danaju insisted on on Tuesday that it is necessary to send troops to Lafa to destroy Hamasying.

Neitana said: "I try to tell President Bayeng as much as possible that we are determined to completely eliminate Hamasying in Lafa."

He said that the Israeli and Bayeng government's opinions on offensive La Fa are left. "We all know this", but he and Biden still have consensus on the main goals of this war.

Nei Tanahu spoke to Israeli parliamentarians: "What we debate with the US government is why we must enter Lafa, not whether the debate needs to be eliminated."

Neutanahu said: "In order to show respect, I agreed to send a team to Washington to hear the opinions of U.S. officials, especially their opinions on humanitarian assistance."

U.S. State Council spokesman Patt said at a press conference on Tuesday that the US position is "completely different" for Israel's plan for Israel's scheduled to enter the Rafa.

Patt said: "We believe we must take different strategies to combat key Hamas goals."