The large -scale strike of Korean doctors has lasted for nearly a month.Over time, the South Korean people began to get tired of it. They believed that the awareness of the privileges of doctors made them believe that the clip and protest of "treating patients as a hostage" would definitely make the government softened.

South Korean President Yin Xiyue chaired the State Conference on March 6: "Since 1977, the number of students in the medical school has increased from 1380 to the current 3058, only 2.2 times of the original number, and the number of lawyers from 58 during the same period was 58The increase of people to 1725 people was nearly 30 times. As a result, people can enjoy high -quality legal services across the country, but medical services have gone backwards.

Analysis believes that the Yin Xiyue government may have obtained the inspiration of 2,000 people to recruit 2,000 people from the reform of legal education.

In 2007, the South Korean government ignored the strong opposition from the legal community, abolished the national judicial examination, and introduced the Law School system, which increased the threshold for entering the work of the judge industry.After the establishment of law colleges in 25 universities across the country, the number of lawyers has doubled in the past 10 years, and the number of lawyers in rural services has doubled.

After the South Korean government looks forward to increasing the number of doctors, it can effectively solve the problem of lack of rural medical manpower like expanding the lawyer group.

Over the past 20 years, as long as the Korean government promotes medical reforms, internships and inpatients will heal and protest, forcing the government to recover their decisions.

South Korean Prime Minister Han Dezhi said on March 12 that the medical community claimed that the number of doctors was not short of 20 years ago. The government required the government to reduce the number of recruiters in the medical school by 350 each year. As a result, the current medical doctors in the basic medical field are insufficient.He believes that if the government does not agree to reduce the number of enrollment in that year, the current situation will not occur. The people have to wait for a few months to undergo surgery.Wait an hour.

Public opinion refers to the fact that the doctors are really interest groups

The training of Korean doctors adopts the "master and apprentice system". Professor and seniors have a huge influence on the future of small doctors. As a result, doctors have a strong sense of belonging and recognition of their respective departments.EssenceSouth Korean public opinion has such a statement that the protesting doctors are really a interest group.

The Han National Daily published an editorial and asked sarcastically: "If the medical school enrolls 500 people, will the doctor resign collectively?"

The editorial criticized doctors claiming that South Korea has no shortage of doctors, but does not consider problems such as increased medical needs brought by aging and retirement of doctors."In the clinic of life and death, doctors have the power to determine life and death. Nowadays, I don't know if the monopoly authority of the doctors is arrogant. I hope that in the process of determining the number of doctors, they can also exercise their power as usual."

Doctors and legal professionals in South Korea can be described as people's attention and high positions.These occupational income is high, enjoys social status, and is widely respected. Korean parents spend a lot of effort to train their children into doctors or legal professionals.Rich people even prepared "three keys" (opening, new cars, new houses) as their daughter's dowry in order to marry their daughters.

A few days ago, my mother watched the news of the doctor's strike on the TV broadcast and said: "It takes several hours to go to the large hospital to register each time, and finally communicate with the doctor in the clinic room for less than three minutes. If the number of doctors will changeMany, we may not have to wait for a long time, and doctors will not be tired. I can't understand what the strike is for? "

In the eyes of the people in Korea, doctors' collective strikes are just to fight for rice bowls and interests.Doctors have more complaints, and the public is unable to be considerate.Because doctors have a high social status and are not equal to the patient's status. In front of the doctor, the patient is absolutely weak, and the doctor is regarded as a strong group. It is difficult to support the people to support their clinics and protests.