(Washington Composite Electric) In Asia reported, Lieutenant General Wolf, Director of the U.S. Navy Strategic System Project, revealed that the U.S. Navy is building high -speed missile underwater test facilities.Deploy such missiles.

As China strengthens air defense forces, the submerged supersonic missile is more likely to penetrate China's airspace and destroy command and control facilities than land or surface ships.The speed of the U.S. hypersonic missile is five times the speed of sound. It combines the speed of ballistic missiles and the maneuverability of cruise missiles. It can attack thousands of kilometers away from 15 to 30 minutes.

Johnny Wolfe last Tuesday (March 12) at the hearing of the Military Commission of the House of Representatives in the US House of Representatives explained to the parliamentary hypersonic missile deployment plan, indicating that such weapons will first be used for the Army firstAnd then used for the navy.The Navy first deployed hypersonic missiles at the Zumwalt destroyer in 2025, and then deployed similar missiles for Virginia -class attack nuclear submarines in the early 2030s.

Wolf said that in order to prepare a submarine hypersonic missile in the future, the Navy has now built a hypersonic missile underwater test facility in the waterfall combat center of Crane, Indiana.He said: "This facility is underwater testing, and it will ensure that we have the situation where the missiles walk through the water."

Analysts believe that the success of underwater testing is vital to sending follow -up ships and aircraft to the theater to the theater, because this is because the submerged hypersonic missile can be discovered by the enemy.

Different from the "thermal launch" emitted by general land -based ignition, the "COLD LAUNCH" technology of the submarine shot is much more complicated.When the missile is out of the water from the submarine's launch cylinder through the high -pressure gas, the missile engine can only be launched in the air without leaving the water surface.

Clark, a senior researcher and a submarine expert at the Hudson Institute of the American Think Tank, said that this requires a lot of engineering technology and it takes a period of time.

Clark revealed that submarine firing is the most important application of hypersonic missiles. Its secrets are high and can be launched near the enemy's coast.The hypersonic missile will be used to attack high -value targets such as Chinese aircraft carriers or commands and control facilities.