(Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) Israeli Prime Minister Natanaju insisted that even in the face of international pressure, it will launch an ground offensive on the south of Gaza.

Neutanahu Sunday (March 17) said at the cabinet conference: "No matter how big the international pressure can prevent us from achieving all the war goals of war: eliminate Hamas, save all hostages, and ensure that Gaza does not not be Gaza.For this threat to Israel, for this, we will also act in La Fa. "

According to the video released by the Neihuhu office, Neitanhu also mocked the allies in memory.He said: "I want to say to friends from the international community: Is your memory so short? Do you forget the worst slaughter of Jews since the Massacre of the Massacre since the Massacre? You have been ready to be the most serious slaughter of the Jews?Is it the right to deprive Israel against Hamas who loses humanity? "

Neutanahu reiterated that Israel will continue to launch an offensive in Gasha, including Lafa; he also said that it will evacuate civilians from the theater.

According to a statement on Friday (15th), Neutanahu approved the military's "La Fa Action Plan", but the statement did not mention the details or offensive timetable.

Laha is the main population center that has not yet been attacked by the ground on the ground. At present, most of the residents of Gaza are refuge.

The United Nations and the United States have warned Israel not to attack the Fa.The Director -General of the World Health Organization Tan Desai posted a post on the social media platform X on Saturday, and "in the name of humans" issued a similar appeal.

Tan Desai believes that the Evolians' plan to withdraw from Gaza before launching the attack is not a practical solution."The 1.2 million people in Lafa can be transferred. Many people are too fragile, hungry and sick, and cannot move again ... Never make this humanitarian disaster worse."

Israeli preparation delegation to Qatar to participate in the peace talks

Israeli, while promoting offensive operations, is also preparing to send delegations to Qatar to participate in peace talks.

The Statement of Neitanahu's office said that Israeli security cabinets and smaller five -person cabinets will meet, "the task of delegation responsible for negotiation before going to Daha".However, there was no specific explanation of when the delegation moved to Doha.

Sources said that the person in charge of the Israel Mosad intelligence agency will participate in Dhahha negotiations.

Israel did not send delegations to participate in the ceasefire negotiations recently held in Cairo, but after Hamas made new prosecution proposals, the possibility of Harbin Restart is increasing.

Hamas' new suggestions include six weeks of ceasefire, release part of Israel's hostages and Palestinian prisoners.Before Hamas insisted that it had to achieve long -term ceasefire before considering letting people go.

The war of more than five months and the encirclement of Israel to Gaza, which led to severe humanitarian disasters in the Gaza Strip. The United Nations many times warned that the 2.4 million population of Gaza was about to face the famine.

The international community is trying to use ways to transport supplies for Gasha.The first rescue ship from Cyprus to Gasha arrived on Friday and unloaded 200 metric tons of food on Friday.The second rescue ship set off at the latest Sunday.At the same time, aircraft in the United States and Jordan were put in Gaza Airdian food on Saturday.

Palestinian media said that 12 trucks carrying flour arrived in northern Gasha on Saturday and brought important rations for areas that have not been aid for four months.The 12 trucks drove into Gaza City, and half arrived at the Jabalia refugee camp.They will also be distributed to the northernmost Bayetrahia and Bethanon area.