(Jerusalem Comprehensive Television) While the Israeli delegation went to Qatar to participate in a ceasefire negotiations, the Israeli Army raid the Granda Hospital of Gaza's largest hospital on the same day, which reported that many people were casualties and fires.On the other hand, the Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu promised that the Israeli army entered the city of Gaza to chase Hamas elements, and would allow civilians to evacuate.

Israeli officials and sources revealed that the head of the Israel Mosad intelligence agency, David Barnea on Monday (March 18), led a delegation to Doha, meeting with Prime Minister Mohammed and Egypt.The Gaza Shitting and the hostage exchange agreement held a talks.

Israeli officials said that the Fang hopes to suspend six weeks in exchange for Hamas to release 40 Israelic hostages.He estimates that the negotiations at this stage may take at least two weeks, because after more than five months of war, Hamas's foreign representatives may encounter difficulties in communicating with leaders besieged in Gaza.

Israel did not send delegations to participate in the ceasefire negotiations recently held in Cairo, but changed their positions after Hamas made new hostages last week.Hamas's proposal includes six weeks of suspension, release part of the hostages and Palestinian prisoners.Before Hamas insisted that it had to achieve long -term ceasefire before considering letting people go.

The Israeli Army announced on Monday that as a senior member of Hamas was using Hamas Senior Members to use Highero Hospital in northern Gaza, the Israeli Army had launched military operations on the hospital.Witnesses said that the community where Highero Hospital was located was attacked by air, and the tanks also surrounded the hospitals around the hospital.

The Ministry of Health of the Gaza said that the entrance of the hospital building was on fire, which caused suffocation of women and children seeking asylum in the hospital. Some people were trapped in the operating room and emergency room of one of the buildings."Someone died and injured, but could not rescue anyone, because the fire was too fierce, and those near the window would take the goal."

Israeli issued leaflets and calling on civilians on social media to withdraw from Hisharma Hospital and its surrounding areas.

Souls questioned Neitana: Where should more than 1.5 million people go "Where should I go?"

Neutanahu on Sunday with German Prime Minister Tsuma, who visited Jerusalem on Sunday, held a press conference with a press conference: "We want to eliminate the goal of the remaining terrorist brigades of Lafa, which is to ensure that civilians can leave Lafa."He said that he would not enter the soldiers without being besieged by civilians.

Tsutz asked many people's questions, that is, more than 1.5 million people who have been refuge in the La Fa "Where should I go"?

Laha is the main population center that has not yet been attacked by the ground on the ground. At present, most of the residents of Gaza are refuge.

Before meeting Tzuz, Nei Tanahu said at a cabinet meeting: "No matter how big the international pressure, we can't prevent us from achieving all war goals ... For this reason, we will also take action in Lafa."

Souls called on Israel to "reach a more long -term suspension hostage agreement" and reach a solution for the two countries through negotiations.He pointed out: "You cannot defeat terrorism by military means."

Nei Tanahu responded that an agreement that made Israel's seemingly weak will only produce unsustainable peace.

Feng Delin, chairman of the European Commission visited by Cairo, also urged Israel and Hamas to quickly reach a ceasefire agreement.She said: "Gagha is facing famine, we can't accept this."

The Israeli Army was accused of deliberately obstructing the supplies and caused a heavy casualties

Oxfam issued a report on Monday to accuse Israel accusing Israel, deliberately obstructing rescue supplies to enter Gasha during the Harbin War, violating the international humanitarian law.The report pointed out that the unreasonable and inefficient inspection of the side caused the average rescue truck that trying to enter Gasha to wait for 20 days;There are many, and constantly adjust.

UNICEF said that the Israeli military in Gaza has won the life of more than 13,000 children, and thousands of children were injured during the war, and the rescuers could not be sure they were inWhere, some may still be trapped in rubble.The executive director of the Foundation Russell said such a high mortality rate of children has hardly seen in other conflicts in the world.