French President Macron said that if Europe wants peace, it should be prepared for war.

Reuters reports that Macron said on Thursday (March 14) in a TV visit mainly targeted at domestic audiences, saying that Russian President Putin was the hostile.If Putin defeated Ukraine, he would never stop there.

Macron did not rule out the deployment of ground forces in Ukraine last month.Many European leaders and Macron are screened the boundaries, but some leaders, especially Eastern European leaders, support his speech.

Macron said in an interview on Thursday: "If Russia wins this war, Europe's reputation will disappear."

He also said: "If the war spreads in Europe, this must be blamed for Russia. But if we are weak and respond, if we decide not to respond, it is equivalent to defeat." Macron said: "Our security has been threatened." He said that the red line in Europe will send a weak signal to the Kremlin, which will encourage Moscow to continue to invade Ukraine.

Macron refused to specify the possible situation of deploying ground forces to Ukraine. He said: "I hope Russia will stop the war and withdraw from the stronghold to achieve peace.. Determine in President Putin.

Macron refers to the Kremlin regime as a "hostile", but he refuses to call Russia an enemy.

He emphasized that France would never attack Russia, saying that Paris and Moscow were not in a state of war, although Russia adopted an aggressive behavior of the interests of France and abroad.

When talking about Ukraine, Macron said that Ukraine's current situation is "difficult" and requires allies to provide stronger support.He said: "Peace does not mean that Ukraine surrender, and peace must not mean defeat. Peace does not mean that we abandon Ukraine."