The voting stations located at Kanshaga Border, Chukeqi Autonomous Region and other places at the eastern end of Russia's territory were opened at 8 am on Friday (March 15).

Xinhua News Agency reported that, according to data released by the Russian Central Election Commission, about 110 million Russian citizens have the right to vote, of which more than 1.8 million people live abroad all year round.Russia has set up more than 90,000 voting stations for this election, and each voting station will be open from 8 am to 8 pm on the 15th to 17th, respectively.

Russia across multiple time zones. Kanshaga Border and Chukic Autonomous Region are the earliest areas to vote. The voting time at the Garinrad Graceite at the western end of the Russian territory starts to vote at the latest.

In some remote and inconvenient areas, border posts, ocean ships, and some overseas areas in Russia, the presidential election vote has been held in advance from February 25th to March 14th.For the first time of this election, remote electronic voting methods, voters in more than 20 regions can submit remote electronic voting applications from January 29 to March 11.

Four candidates participate in the presidential election

A total of four candidates participated in the presidential election, including Russia's current President Putin, the Russian Liberal Democratic Party, Slutzki, the Russian Federal Communist Party Harritonov and the Russian New Party Dankef.

According to the Russian presidential election rules, more than 50%of votes in the election are elected president.If there are more than two candidates, and no one of them cannot be elected, the Central Election Commission will announce the second round of voting to the two candidates who have won the vote, and the high voting in the second round of voting is elected as the president.The Russian Central Election Commission will not be confirmed on March 28 to confirm the results of the presidential election, and will be announced within 3 days after the election results confirm.