(Gaza Comprehensive Electric) The Israeli army was accused of opening a fire to the civilians who rushed to the rescue supplies in Gaza City, causing serious casualties and causing general condemnation internationally.The Palestinians who experienced the incident said that the Army suddenly fired when everyone was struggling with food, and even dispatched tanks and drones, and the scene suddenly fell into a panic.

The Ministry of Health of Gaza said that at least 115 people are known to be killed in the accident on Thursday (February 29), and 760 people were injured, saying that this was a premeditated massacre of the military for civilians.The Israeli military denied that soldiers fired or fired artillery shells at the masses, arguing that soldiers just shot and dispel the crowd.

However, the survivors who were treated at the AL-Shifa Hospital in the north of Gaza told the Western media that in addition to shooting towards the masses, tanks and armed drones fired to civilians.

One of the people Ahamed said that in order to ensure that the children have eaten, he risked his life on Wednesday (28th) at Nabulsi from Nabulsi in the evening of Wednesday (28th).Location, waiting for the arrival of rescue trucks.

The next morning, the truck finally came, and he and the crowd immediately ran towards the truck.At this time, a tank and a drone fired towards the crowd."My back was injured, and the blood flowed for an hour. Later, my relatives took me to the hospital."

Asked whether Israeli was deliberately fire to the people, Ahmed said, "Yes, yes. They dispatched tanks, soldiers and military planes ... all fired towards us."

Another survivor Muhammad said that he and his son waited for the rescue truck to send the food on the side of the road, but the army fired two shots towards his son."Bullets have wiped his head, and the chest was hit. At present, people are in the hospital."

Another person Zhu Ha told reporters that he only wanted to receive a pack of flour for his parents at the time."We are all very hungry. We have no food and nothing. They (tanks) fire to us ... they want to flatten us."

Zhu Ha's head bounced, and when the interview was, there was a bandage on his face.He said: "My younger brother cried and hungry, but where did I go to find food for him?"

The United Nations Humanitarian Affairs Coordination Hall (OCHA) said on Friday (March 1) that a group of the United Nations group on the same day and the army opened fire to the civilians to send medical supplies the next day.The group reported that they saw dozens of Palestinian civilians who were treated with treatment, and many people suffered gunshot wounds.

UN spokesman Diyrik said that after the incident on Thursday, Higa Hospital received more than 700 wounded, of which 200 were still hospitalized to stay in the doctor the next day.This hospital also received more than 70 corpses.However, he said that it is unclear whether the United Nations team can conduct autopsy against these victims.

The Gaza Strip has not seen rescue trucks in the past for a long time. It was difficult to arrive at rescue materials, but such a major confusion occurred.This highlights that the local situation is extremely severe, and the basic public order has collapsed.

UN officials have previously warned that nearly 580,000 people in Gaza or about one -quarter of the original population are about to fall into famine and the situation is critical.At least six children in northern Gaza have died of malnutrition and dehydration.