(Berurt / Gasha Composite Electric) Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan revealed that since the outbreak of Harbin conflict, Iran and the United States have been in touch, including discussing the role of the Lebanese Alzuity in the conflict.He emphasized that reaching a political solution is the only way to end the Gaza War and warn Israel not to expand the war to Lebanon, otherwise it will be the "last day" of Prime Minister Neyhho.

Abdullahiyang said on Saturday (February 10) when he visited the Lebanon capital Berut that Iran and the United States exchanged information on this conflict after the outbreak of the Gasha War in the past few weeks.He revealed that the United States demanded that Iran told it that the Lebanon Allah that supports it should not be widely involved in the Harbin War.

In order to support ally, Hamas, the Lebanon Allah is in the Errea with the army with the army in almost every day, and vowed that if Israel launched a comprehensive war against Lebanon, it would fight to the end.After the United States suffered a fatal attack in the U.S. military in Jordan earlier, it was a revenge on Iranian organizations in Iran in Iran, Syria, and Yemen, which exacerbated the outside world's concerns about the further expansion of the Harbin conflict.

According to Agence France -Presse, Jadra, a town in the south of Berut, an air -raid attack on Saturday, killed the two, including a member of the Allah.Sources said that the goal of the air strike was Bassel Saleh, a senior official of Hamas, who was responsible for recruiting members on the west bank of the Jordan River.Salich was injured in the attack.

Israeli National Defense Force found Hamas's command tunnel under the headquarters of the United Eastern Palestinian refugee relief and Engineering Office (UNRWA) headquarters in Gasha City on February 8.(Reuters)

Abdullahiyang warning on Saturday warning: "Jewish Repeated stateist regime (Israel) take any action to launch a large -scale attack on Lebanese, which will mean the end of the Neitanhhu regime ... We assess that Israeli believes that Israeli believes that Israeli believes that Israeli believes that Israeli believes thatCan't cope with two fronts at the same time.

He pointed out that political solutions are the only way to end the conflict of Gaza, and Iran is negotiating with Saudi Arabia for this matter.He said: "Iran and Lebanon confirmed that war is not a solution, and we never seek to expand the war."

Since the outbreak of the Harbin conflict, Abdullahyan visited Berut for the third time.He met with Lebanon government officials, as well as leaders of the Lebanon Albon and local Palestine.

Hamas has discussed the ceasefire for four and a half months. During this period, it will release the surplus hostages, and Israel will withdraw troops from Gaza, and the two sides will reach an agreement on the war.However, Israel refuses this proposal and is going to launch a ground offensive against the city of Gaza.

Photos taken by the Israeli military during February 8 showed that the Israeli soldiers looked at the camera control screen in the tunnel. The military said the tunnel was "Hamas Command Tunnel"Essence(Agence France -Presse)

Affected by the fire, more than half of Gaza's population gathered in La Fa bordering Egypt.Hamas warned that Israel's military operations in Lafa could cause tens of thousands of casualties, and the international community also expressed concern about it.

Nei Tanahu promises to provide a safe channel for Lafaya civilians

However, Nei Tanahu insisted in an interview broadcast on Sunday (11th) on Sunday (11th) of the US Broadcasting Corporation (ABC): "We will destroy the Hamas terrorist of Lafa, where they are their last fortress ...Refers to the people who should not enter La Fa anyway, which is equivalent to losing this war and letting Hamas stay there. "

Neutanahu promised to provide a safe passage for Lafa civilians, saying that Israel is formulating a detailed evacuation plan.But it is not clear at present, where can a large number of fakes gathered in the local area be transferred.

German Foreign Minister Berbak pointed out that "the people of Gaza cannot disappear out of thin air, and Israel's ground offensive against Lafa will cause humanitarian disasters.British Foreign Minister Cameron called for immediately to suspend the battle in Gaza.The UAE Foreign Ministry urges the international community to take action immediately to achieve ceasefire and avoid more casualties.US President Biden also rarely criticized Israel's military response to Hamas's attack on Hamas last October.

In addition, Israeli Foreign Minister Kart issued a post on Saturday's social media platform X, requiring the United Nations to resign from Eastern Palestinian refugee relief and engineering office (UNRWA).The tunnel is responsible.Catz said that Lazarini claims that the existence of authenticity is unknown, and it is "ridiculous and insulting common sense."