(Islamabad Comprehensive) Pakistani Parliament's election voting results show that an independent candidate supported by the former Prime Minister Emulang Khan, who was in prison, won the most seats in the parliament, but independent people could not form a government, and hostile political parties have begun to negotiate the allianceEssencePakistania's political uncertainty may last for several weeks.

According to the results announced by the Election Committee Sunday (February 11), independent people won 101 of the 264 seats, of which about 93 were related to the Justice Party led by Emran Khan.

The Muslim League led by another former Prime Minister Sherov won 75 seats and became the largest party in Congress.However, because he failed to win a majority of Congress, Sharif said that his party was discussing and forming a joint government with other political parties.


Election Commission announced that the final votes were announced more than 60 hours after the end of the national election voting on Thursday (8th), which caused people to question the voting process.The Justice Movement Party said on Saturday that if the results of the votes were not announced, national protests were held on Sunday.

The Pakistan Temporary Government said that delaying the announcement of votes was caused by communication problems caused by the mobile Internet interrupt in the election day.The official said that the interruption was due to security reasons, but people suspected that the military tried to influence the election process to ensure that the Muslim League of Sherov won.

The Secretary -General of the Justice Movement Party on Sunday issued a text on the social media platform X, saying that the party has canceled the national protests, but he showed suspects that some voting stations had "forged" the results, saying that they should be held outside these ticket stations.Demonstration.

AFC reporters said that the Justice Sports Party and other political parties held several small -scale protests across the country on Sundays, and most of the scale did not exceed hundreds.Police warned that they would meet any illegal assembly.

The supporters of Imlan Khan were running as an independent person because they were not allowed to run under the banner of the Justice Movement Party because they did not comply with the election law.

Imlan Khan himself is currently serving his prison in prison for leaking national secrets, corruption and illegal marriage.But the millions of supporters of the front -edge player still came out to vote for him, but he could not join any government in prison.

However, according to the Pakistanian election law, independent candidates are not qualified to allocate 70 reserved seats in Congress. These seats are allocated according to the strength of each party after the final votes are released.Shellf's political party can get up to 20 of them.

In addition, independent candidates cannot form the government by themselves and need to join the political parties.Imlan Khan's assistant and media adviser Buhari said earlier that the Justice Party will soon announce that they will ask independent people which political parties.

No matter who seeks to form the next government, it needs the support of other political parties.

In addition to Emran Khan and Shelef, the assassinated Pakistani Prime Minister Bena Ji's son Banajal's son -in -law Blavar won 54 seats.Biravar told the local TV station: "No one can set up a government."

It is expected that the parties will conduct intense political negotiations next, and then Congress can vote for the new Prime Minister and the government.