(Washington / London Composite) Since the October 7th Palestinian radicals Hamas raid Israel, several terrorist organizations have issued an appeal to attack the United States.Christopher Lei, director of the FBI (FBI), pointed out that the threat of the United States has reached the worst degree since the rise of the Islamic State Organization nearly 10 years ago.

Christopher Lei on Tuesday (October 31) said at the Senate's Land Safety and Government Affairs Committee hearing: "The actions of Hamas and its allies will have an encouragement.Create the so -called "Harry State" (Caliphate).

He said: "It's time to worry, we are in a dangerous period. Now it's not time to panic, but the time of alertness." About terrorist organizations such as Hamas use the current conflict to launch the possibility of attack on the US land to law enforcement and law enforcement.The department "cannot be underestimated."

He said: "We are most urgent to worry about violent extremists. Whether it is individual or small groups, we will draw inspiration from these Middle East incidents and attack Americans who live as usual.The molecules also include domestic violence extremists for the Jewish or Muslim community. "

Christopher Lei mentioned that a man arrested in Houston last week studied how to make bombs and publish information about "killing Jews" and an Illinois.World/Story20231016-1443263 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Six-year-old Palestinian Muslim boy was killed by the landlord .

He said: "The fire in war in the Middle East has caused the threat of attacking Americans in the United States to a completely different degree."

Terrorist Organization Kaidda, Islamic State Organization and Lebanon Real Party have made appeal to attack the United States. However, the Federal Investigation Agency "has not tracked the imminent threat from foreign terrorist organizations."However, Christopher Lei pointed out that the threat of the American Jewish community "reached a record high."He said that Jews accounted for only 2.4 % of the American population, but about 60 % of the hate crime cases involved in religious beliefs were targeted at Jews.

He also said that the militia group supported by Iran Monthly increase.If the conflict expands, Iran and non -national -led online attacks will likely intensify.

Abrazid, director of the National Anti -Terrorism Center, told the committee that although these organizations have the ability to launch more complicated attacks, they are trying to adjust to avoid taking the second front line.She said: "There may be misjudgments, so when our monitoring conflict spreads, the review must be strengthened."

Israel's continuous bombing of the Gaza Strip has worsen the problem of material shortage.On November 1st, in a small alley in the southern Gaza Strip, a boy was holding a plastic container full of water.(Agence France -Presse)

Various of Jewish global anti -Jewish incidents in Israel surge

Minister of Homeland Security Mariocas said the hatred of Jewish students in the United States has exacerbated anti -Jewie.

Global incidents against Jews have increased several times.In Los Angeles, a man who shouted "Kill the Jews" slogan tried to break into a family; in London, some people in the playground were far away from the slide, saying that she was a "stink Jew"; in China, someone in the Internet will beJews are better than parasites and vampires.

Fear atmosphere is more serious than the previous Middle East crisis.Adele, a 62 -year -old man who opened three Jewish schools in London, told Reuters reporters: "This is the most terrible period of the Jews since the Second World War ... I have never encountered such a bad situation in my life." HeHe said that he was most worried about random attacks.

Meyerle, a political scholar of the French National Human Rights Consultative Committee, said that even if the Jews criticized the Israeli government, the anti -Jewish elements "equal to the Jews with Israel, which is equivalent to killing Palestinian children."