(United Nations Comprehensive Television) The United States rejected a draft resolution proposed by the United Nations Security Council. The draft requires Israel and Hamas "humanitarian fire", but did not mention Israel's self -defense rights.

On Wednesday (October 18), the Security Council voted for the draft, 12 of the 15 members including China voted for support, Russia and the United Kingdom abstained, and the United States was the only member country to vote for opposition votes.Since the United States is one of the five permanent members of the Security Council, this is equivalent to rejected the draft.

The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Greenfield said after voting: "The United States is disappointed with Israel's self -defense right without mentioning this resolution."

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Eldan thanked the United States for rejection of "a very bad resolution."Palestinian Ambassador Mansur made a speech at the Security Council: "Kill more Palestinians will never make Israel safer."

The draft states that the Security Council "resolutely condemn all violence and hostile actions against civilians", and at the same time "clearly rejected and condemned Hamas's permanent terror attacks ... and hijacked hostage behavior."The case also urged all parties to comprehensively abide by the obligations stipulated by international law.

The Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who is the rotating chairman of the Security Council this month, regrets the blocked draft.The Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated: "Brazil believes that the international community urgently needs to achieve ceasefire and restore the peace process."

China is also deeply disappointed by the obstruction of the United States.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning urged the Security Council to effectively fulfill its responsibilities and play a role in suspension of fire, protecting civilians, and avoiding greater tranquil disasters.

The Security Council also rejected the draft resolution of Russia's condemnation of violence upgrades in Russia.The draft did not criticize Hamas, which launched a raid of Israel on October 7, and was rejected by the permanent member of the United States, Britain and France, and Japan also voted against it.

U.S. sanction of Hamas Fund Source Personal and Gas

In Washington, the U.S. Treasury announced on Wednesday that nine individuals of Garha, Sudan, Turkey, Algeria and Qatar and a physical sanctions were imposed to cut off Hamas's funding sources.

Treasury Secretary Yellen said that the United States is taking rapid and decisive actions to help people who assist and assist Hamas, and will continue to take all necessary measures to prevent Hamas from raising and using funds, implementing atrocities and intimidating Israelpeople.

Six of them are related to Hamas's secret investment portfolio.The only entity is a Cashi Cash Money and Money Transfer, which provides remittances and virtual currency exchange services.The Ministry of Finance said the company was also used by other terrorist organizations to transfer funds.