(Washington Complex) U.S. President Bynden has launched intensive diplomatic activities in the past week to prevent the conflict between Israel and Palestine's radical Hamas upgraded to a wider war, but has not made significant progress so far.Bloomberg analyzed the article pointed out that if diplomatic efforts fail, the United States may have to rely on military forces to achieve this goal.

The United States is committed to preventing Lebanese's Allah and other Iranian agents from joining the Harbin conflict.The Pentagon has sent troops to the East Mediterranean, including the deployment of two aircraft carrier battle groups, and ordered the 2,000 naval Marine team members to prepare to mobilize at any time.

A U.S. officials who do not want to be named said that the United States also sent secret information to Iran via Qatar and other countries to signal that the United States' position is serious when necessary.

Frank McKenzie, former commander of the Central Command of the United States, said: "The aircraft carrier and the flight squadron made the president have cards. We know that Iran is paying attention to our level of force and will be shocked due to changes in the war zone."

Another retired US general, Phil Davidson, said that the aircraft carrier combat group allows the United States to have a "powerful blow force" in the Middle East.Middle ballistic missile attack ".

Although the White House shows that the United States does not intervene in the conflict of Harbin, the U.S. military may still be in some cases, such as the fact that the main party launched a large -scale rocket attack on Israel.The Lord Party and Iranian organizations in Iraq or Syria may also attack the US military goals in the Middle East, which may trigger retaliation in the United States.

Bloomberg pointed out that the deterrent of the United States may not work.Former Middle East analyst Emily Harding, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), said: "It's hard to curb the obstruction. They will look at Bayeng's military intervention record in the Middle East, and then it will definitely summarize that the government is rightDirect military activities are almost not interested. "

However, due to Lebanon's deep economic crisis, the Allah may worry that new conflicts will weaken its domestic support.

Iran may not want the Allah to fight with Israel.Former CIA analyst Kenneth Pollack said: "Iran ... there is a long -term strategy for the Middle East and Israel. This is effective for them and only need to continue."

Israel does not set the exit strategy to lead to worry

According to a number of Middle East and Western officials quoted by Reuters, although Israel vowed to completely eliminate Hamas in the Gaza Strip, it did not formulate a clear plan for the post -war Gaza.

A Washington sources said that some of the assistants of Biden expressed concerns about Israel have not yet formulated a strategy of exit in Gaza.

Arab officials were also shocked by this. They were worried that the fire would spread outside Gasha and triggered a new round of Palestinians to escape.A Middle Eastern security source said: "Israel has no plan for Gaza. Their strategy is to cast thousands of bombs, destroy everything, but then?

In this regard, Tzachi Hanegbi, chairman of the Israeli National Security Council, said on Tuesday (October 17): "Of course we are thinking and dealing with this problem ... we still cannot determine what the plan will be. But we know clearlyKnow, there will be no (Hamas). "

U.S. officials are not so optimistic.American sources said that the United States believes that Israel should not want to resume the Gaza Strip; more likely, the Israeli army will kill or seize as many members of Hamas as possible, bombing the tunnel and rocket factory, and then as followsThe arms casualties have continued to increase, looking for ways to declare to defeat and withdraw.

Middle East sources said that the United States proposed to bring Palestine's Palestinian power institutions from Hamas in 2007 to return to Gasha, but Palestinian power institutions or any other government can manage this coastal flying land is a big question mark.