October 18, 2023

image source, getty images

A network security researcher used a failure of the CIA official Twitter account to successfully hijacked a channel for the unit to recruit spies.

The account of the China Love Bureau on the social media "X" (previously called Twitter) shows a link to the communication software "Telegram" channel used by the liner.

But the man named Kevin McSheehan was able to successfully orientation to his own Telegram channel.

"The Central Love Bureau really failed this time," the moral hacker said.

The Central Love Bureau is the US government organization. It is known for its usual use of online technology from spies and lines from all over the world to collect secret intelligence information. The organization's official "X" account has nearly 3.5 million fans for publicityThe agency also encourages people to connect with each other to protect US national security.

"The Great Fear"

Micks, 37, who lives in Maine, USA this yearHe discovered the safety error earlier on Tuesday (October 17).

"My first reaction is panic," he said.

"I see the official Telegram link they shared may be hijacked. What I am most worried about is that countries like Russia, China or North Korea can easily intercept Western intelligence."

At a certain point in September 27th, the CIA adds a link of Telegram on its "X" official page -https://t.me/securelyContactingcia — its Telegram channel contains related to the dark networkContact the organization's information with other secret means.

Anyone who clicks on the link is directed to the Telegram channel of Mikes.

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The channel says in Russian: "Our global mission requires individuals to contact the China Love Bureau safely from anywhere." At the same time, it warns potential new members to "be alert to any channels that claim to represent the Central Intelligence Bureau."

But "X" shows that there are defects in the way of certain links, which means that the complete website has been intercepted as "https://t.me/securelycont", an unused Telegram user name.

As soon as Mikes noticed this problem, he registered the username, so that anyone who clicked the link would be directed to his personal channel on Telegram, and the channel warned them not to share any secret or sensitive informationEssence

"I do this for safety prevention measures," he said.

"This is the problem of the 'X' site I have seen before, but what surprises me is that the CIA did not notice it."

The CIA did not reply to the BBC's comment request, but the error was correct within one hour after the BBC request was issued.