1) Why can't two resolutions be passed?

The texts of Russia and Brazil sought to cease the fire. The main debate point of the Russian draft was that they did not clearly mention the radical organization Hamas, which controlled Gaza.

When the Security Council voted on Monday (October 16), the Russian draft was overthrown with five votes support, four -vote opposition, and six votes abandoned.In addition to the United States, there are British, France and Japan.

Ambassador to Russia said that Western countries that oppose the draft of their resolutions have "trampled on" the hope of alleviating the situation.The American Ambassador said that Russia did not condemn Hamas to "provide cover for the terrorist organizations that treat innocent civilians."

The Brazilian draft was named Hamas, but in the vote of Wednesday (18th), it was rejected by the United States by vote, because the draft did not mention Israel's self -defense right.

China voted for votes, Russia abstained.The Russian ambassador has accused the United States of rejection of the draft as "hypocrisy" and "double standards".

2) What differences are exposed behind the veto?

At present, Israel still has a lot of sympathy in the West, especially the United States.Developing countries, including China, have long sympathized with the Palestinian situation for a long time.

China recognized Palestine as a country in 1988.Although it also established a comprehensive diplomatic relationship with Israel in 1992, it usually provides more support for Palestinian business.China has limited relationships with Hamas.

Russia maintains close relationships with Israel, but also conducts foreign contact with Hamas, and at the same time refuses to list Hamas as a terrorist organization.

The United States listed Hamas as a terrorist organization, and Israel is a close friend and allies in the United States.

China and Russia and the United States actually support the Pakistani schemes, but also have their own considerations.As more and more Arab and Muslims blame the latest conflict on the United States, I believe that China and Russia will take the opportunity to expand their influence in the Middle East.If you want the Three Kingdoms to bridge the differences, you can only hope that they can seek the same differences for the peace of the Middle East.

3) How can the United Nations cool down to the situation?

As the draft resolution was rejected, the United Nations only increased its efforts to carry out behind -the -scenes mediation work.Among them, UN Secretary -General Gutres has settled on Cairo on Thursday (19th) to meet with Egyptian President Cecil.Prior to this, Gutres also talked with all parties related to the conflict. Next, he planned to meet with Israel Prime Minister Neyhhuro and the official contact with Harhaas, which may control Gaza.

There is no news of the draft resolution for the time being, but when necessary, the Security Council can still call on countries to negotiate peacefully, and even authorize the use of force in some dangerous situations according to the UN Charter Chapter 7.

If the Security Council fails to fulfill its responsibilities to maintain international peace and security, the United Nations conference representing all 193 member states can also hold emergency special meetings, just like after Russia's full invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

But then, the great country cannot pass a resolution at the Security Council, showing that they have not yet reached a consensus to resolve the crisis. It can be seen that the mediation work is still long -term.