The United States has rejected a resolution on the UN Security Council that Hamas and Israel to suspend the firing of "humanitarianism". China has not been shocked and disappointed with the draft resolution.

Agence France -Presse reported that when the Security Council voted on Wednesday (October 18), 12 of the 15 members of the Security Council voted in favor of Brazil's resolutions, and Russia and Britain voted for abandoned votes.The United States is the only country to vote against votes, but because the United States is one of the five permanent members of the Security Council's five veto rights, its opposition votes are rejected.Before the draft resolution was voted, Russia also proposed two amendments, requiring to add two paragraphs, and neither was passed.


The Security Council's proposal to draft Brazil has been postponed twice, and another Russian proposal in the Security Council has been rejected on the 16th.The draft resolution drafted by Brazil condemned the Islamic Islamic resistance (Hamas) and all violent actions against civilians, urging all parties to abide by international law, continuously, and uninterrupted basic items and services to civilians, and called for the withdrawal requirements for revocationCivilians and United Nations staff evacuated the order in the north of the Gaza Strip to ensure humanitarian assistance.The United States means that the resolution does not acknowledge the right to self -defense in Israel, so vote opposes.

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Grade Eldan thanked the United States for rejection of "a very bad resolution."

The Palestinian Ambassador Riade Manusur made a speech at the Security Council that "killing more Palestinians will never make Israel safer."

Human Rights Observation Organization has condemned the US veto, and it posted a reaction in social media, which prevented the Security Council from taking action during the unprecedented massacre of the Palestine and Israel.

Brazil, who is the rotating chairman of the Security Council this month, expressed regrets for voting.According to a statement of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil believes that the international community urgently needs to fight the ceasefire and restore the peace process.

Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations, Zhang Jun, spoke after the voting, saying that China has not been shocked and disappointed by the draft resolution.

The China News Agency quoted Zhang Jun's explanation speech after the Security Council's voting, saying that the Security Council had voted on the draft resolutions proposed by Russia on the evening of the 16th.The Russian draft focuses on conflict and human concern, calling on immediately to achieve ceasefire and protect civilians, and get the support of many Arab countries.However, some countries choose to vote against votes, because they are willing to take a little more time to seek consensus based on the draft resolution proposed by Brazil.Over the past 40 hours, relevant countries have not issued opinions or oppositions on the draft of Brazil. This has allowed everyone to expect the Security Council to successfully pass the resolutions raised by Brazil, but the final voting results are incredible.