Senior officials in Israel in China said that Israel hopes to see China "stronger condemnation" to the Palestinian radical Haras because China is a friend of Israel.

Comprehensive Reuters and Agence France -Presse reported that Yuval Waks, a senior official in the Israeli embassy in China, said on Sunday (October 8): "When people are murdered and slaughtered on the streets, they are not called for the two countries to call on the two countries.(Negotiation) When solutions. "

Earlier on the same day, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that China has deeply concerned about the current tension and violence upgrade.-1440660 "rel = nofollow target = _blank> calls on the relevant parties to keep calm and restraint , immediately stop the fire, protect the civilians, and prevent the situation from further deteriorating.

On the other hand, the Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari said on Sunday that it will evacuate all the Israelites near the Gaza Strip within 24 hours, and at the same time deploy tens of thousands of soldiers to crack down on Palestine in IsraelMilitants.

Hagari said that the battle for hostages is still in progress. "Tens of thousands of combat soldiers in the area will reach every community until we kill every terrorist in Israel."

It is reported that the Israeli Army is still fighting the KFAR AZA two kilometers east of the border with the Gaza Strip to fight all night with militants. So far, 500 Hamas goals, including the organization's"Symbols of military infrastructure, commander's house and Hamas regime."

According to a report released by the Palestinian Ministry of Health on Sunday, since Saturday (7th), the air strikes launched by Israel to Kahasha have killed at least 313 Palestinians, including 20 children and nearly 2,000 injuries.The latest data released by the Israeli government Sunday shows that the number of deaths of Israeli has increased to more than 600, and more than 2,000 people were injured, and more than 100 Israelis were held held.