(Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) Israeli was raid by Hamas, and the Israeli army caught off guard, and the intelligence unit's responsibility could not escape.Analysis means that this is probably the biggest mistake of the Israeli intelligence department since the outbreak of the Jewish atonement day of the Jewish atonement. It may be that the reasons include the relaxation of the alert and the internal fighting on the holiday.

Atonement on October 6, 1973, the Israeli army was caught by Egypt and Syria.The next day after the atonement day of 50 years, the army seemed to be surprised by the sudden attack again.

The former chairman of the Israeli National Security Council Alan said: "This seems very similar to the situation of the year. Israel is surprised by this coordinated attack."

The Israeli ambassador to France Moraff admitted that Hamas's attacks were caught off guard when they were interviewed by French Radio."We are not fully prepared, and we can even say that there is almost no preparation."

Moraff replied whether the intelligence department was negligible, "Of course, yes ... because we should be prepared."

Panikov, a former Middle East National Intelligence Officer of the United States government, said: "This is an intelligence mistake, and there are no other reasons."

The former international spokesman of the Israeli National Defense Force, Conorik, believes that this is not just an information error."The entire system has failed. It's not just a component. The entire defense structure obviously failed to provide the necessary defense for civilians. For Israel, this is a similar (the Japanese army raided the United States) in the Pearl Harbor."

Analysis: Complex attacks involve planning and coordination with intelligence agencies to detect

Analysis pointed out that Hamas's raid involved dozens of land and sea penetration, as well as rocket launchers.This is a complicated attack, and the planning and coordination involved was detected by intelligence agencies.

Former US ambassador to Israel, Invick, said: "What shocked me was that they could do this without notice that Israel or the United States did not notice it."

The US Congress staff who does not want to disclose the name says that, given that Israel and American intelligence agencies should have found such a scale, Congress must ask sharp questions.

The Israeli National Defense Force spokesman Hickt said at a press conference that it is too early to judge where it is wrong."We are fighting. I am convinced that there will be many discussions on information in the future."

Israel and intelligence department or distraction due to internal fighting

Intelligence errors can usually be divided into warnings of collecting mistakes, analysis errors, and not obeying the intelligence agency.In response to this attack, analysis said that Israel is on vacation.In addition, people also question whether the Israeli and intelligence departments are distracted by the country's internal fighting.

For several months, the Israelis have been protesting the prime minister's measures to deprive judicial power.Israel is also negotiating with a complicated tripartite agreement with the United States and Saudi Arabia.

The former Middle East negotiation representative Miller said: "The real problem here may be that the Israelites do not believe that Hamas will adventure for cross -border penetration."