The United States will send a number of warships and planes to the East Central Sea closer to Israel to show support for Israel.It is reported that there are Americans in the victims and missing people.

Washington believes that the Palestinian radical organization Hamas launched a fatal attack on Israel, probably to destroy the normalization of Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Reuters reported that the US Secretary of Defense Austin Sunday (October 8) issued a statement saying that he ordered Jerald Middot; RMIDDOT; Ford's aircraft carrier battle group to move to the East China Sea, which is closer to Israel, including an aircraft carrier, a ship, a shipMissile cruisers and four missile destroyers to show force and prepare to deal with any situation. These situations include preventing more weapons from sending Hamas and surveillance.

The Ford is the latest and most advanced aircraft carrier of the US Navy, and it is also the third -generation nuclear -powered aircraft carrier of the US Navy.This large -scale deployment also includes a large number of ships and fighters, highlighting the United States' concerns about the upgrading of conflict.

Austin said the United States has also taken measures to enhance the Fighter Squadron of the Air Force's F-35, F-15, F-16 and A-10 in the region.

Austin said: The United States maintains a state of combat reserve worldwide to further strengthen this deterrent situation when needed.

In addition, the Biden government will quickly provide additional equipment and resources to the Israeli National Defense Force, including ammunition.The first batch of safety aids will begin to be transported on Sunday and will be shipped in the next few days.

According to Agence France -Presse, Hamas pointed out that the United States provided more military assistance to Israel, equivalent to aggression against Palestinians.

Hamas said in a statement on Sunday (8th): The United States announced that it would provide an aircraft carrier to support (Israel's) occupation operation, which was actually an invasion of our people.

On October 7, Hamas launched the most violent rocket attack on Israel for decades from the Gaza Strip, and sent militants to attack Israel from sea, land and air.Israel immediately launched a large -scale counterattack.

Bloomberg reported that the new round of the new round caused by Hamas raid Israel has more than 1,100 deaths caused by Pakistan.

A number of Israeli media such as Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation reported on the evening of the 8th that more than 700 Israelis died in the new round of conflicts in Pakistan.The Palestinian Gaza Strip Health Department issued a statement that night that the Israeli army's attack on the Gaza Strip had killed at least 413 people and injured 2,300 people. The number of deaths caused by the Pakistani conflict has exceeded 1,100

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) has launched the largest raid in Israel in recent years. Israel has subsequently launched a large -scale counterattack against Gaza, which has caused more than 900 deaths in the two places and injured thousands of people.

Comprehensive Agence France -Presse and the US Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) reported that the Baza conflict has appeared on Saturday (October 7), the bloody upgrade in recent decades, and Israeli Prime Minister Neitahu announced that the country entered a state of war on the day.

As of 9:27, Singapore time, AFP quoted the Israeli government news that Hamas's attacks killed at least 600 Israelis.In addition, more than 2,000 people were injured and more than 100 Israeli soldiers and civilians were deducted as hostages.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Gaza's Palestinian Health Authority said that Israel was killed at least 313 Palestinians' violent air strikes on the place, and about 1990 were injured.

According to earlier reports, the Israeli army and hundreds of Hamas soldiers fired at least 22 places in Israel, and the firefire continued until late at night, with at least two locations hijacked hostage incidents.

The military said that terrorists rammed and broke into the house and slaughtered civilians. Israel was injured by more than 1,000 people by guns or more than 3,000 rockets.Ghasan Alyan, Major Israeli Army, said Hamas had opened the door of hell.

Israeli state -owned power company has cut off the power supply to Gasha.Hundreds of people in the northern part of Gaza escaped their homes with food and blankets.

After the upgrade of the Pakistani conflict, internationally, international, including the United States, commented on the situation.U.S. President Bynden said on Saturday with the Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu, saying that the United States will provide Israel with all appropriate support methods and warn any enemy in Israel.

At the same time, the Iranian side congratulated and supported Hamas's attacks.Reuters reported on Sunday (8th) that the US Republican Governor De Santis said that Iran assisted Hamas's war on Israel.Now pay for these policies.

However, senior US officials said the United States did not have any evidence that Iran participated in Hamas's specific attack in Israel.

In addition, U.S. Secretary of State Broskere talked to Egypt and Saudi Foreign Arabia after the conflict broke out, emphasizing that all parties need to be coordinated in this incident, and Hamas's terrorist attack on Israel needed to stop immediately.

White House officials said that discussions about the United States for military assistance to the United States are in progress. Washington is likely to announce relevant measures on Sunday, local time, but now there is no Speaker of the House of Representatives in the United States, and the role of Congress may complicate the situation.