Hamas has a large-scale attack , BrazilSaturday (October 7) said that the UN Security Council will be held for emergency meetings.

Reuters reports that Brazil has been the rotating chairman of the UN Security Council since this month.In a statement, Brazil condemned Israel's attack and supported the people of Israel.

Hamas launched a large -scale attack on Israel on Saturday. The number of deaths and injuries provided by the Israeli emergency department showed that the attack had caused at least 70 people to die and 779 people injured.The Israeli Prime Minister Natanho vowed to fight back and announced that Israel is currently in a state of war.

Brazil reiterates that the position of "solutions of the two countries" remains unchanged, that is, Palestine and Israel coexist within the border between joint agreed and international identity.

The Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: "The Brazilian government reiterates that there is no reason to resort to violence, especially for civilian violence, and urges all parties to maintain the maximum restraint to avoid intensifying the situation."