(Washington Composite Electric) Hamas's radical organization of the Palestintian radical organization to Israel After , the armed conflict of the Pakistani was triggered again, which shocked the international community.

Many countries have called on Israel and Hamas to restrain them calmly to avoid further heating up the situation.

, and also strongly condemned Call on all parties to stop the fire immediately and make every effort to ensure the safety of civilians.Singapore Foreign Ministry spokesman issued a statement saying that he has not received a notice from any Singaporean.Officials suggest that Singaporeans in Israel remain cautious, pay attention to local news, and always pay attention to the instructions of the local government.

The United Nations and Russia also called on both parties to stop immediately.

The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned that the upgrade of the Baza situation will lead to "serious consequences" and call on both parties to "maintain the maximum restraint."Turkish President Erdogan also called on all parties to restrain.

Senior representative of EU diplomacy and security policy Berrely said that terrorism and violence cannot solve problems and must "stop this terrorist violence immediately."Feng Delin, the chairman of the European Commission, said that intentional attacking the people is "the most despicable horror."

French President Macron strongly condemned Hamas and said "fully supports Israel and all victims."German Foreign Minister Berbque accused Hamas of upgrading violence, claiming that Israel had the right to self -defense.British Foreign Minister Clever also said that Britain "always supports Israel's self -defense rights."Italy, Poland, Belgium, Ukraine, etc. also condemned Hamas.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar pointed out that Israel's "unilateral" has caused the situation to upgrade.Hamenei, the highest spiritual leader of Iran, launched an attack on Hamas to say "congratulations and support".