(Washington Composite Electric) The United States includes 42 Chinese companies in the export control list, because these Chinese companies support Russia's military and defense industry, including integrated circuits made from Russia.

The US Department of Commerce issued a statement on Friday (October 6) saying that Russia used these integrated circuits for precision guidance systems such as missiles and drones, and these weapons were in Russia and Ukraine War is used to attack civil targets.

In addition to 42 Chinese companies, the United States also includes seven companies in Finland, Germany, India, Turkey, the UAE, and the United Kingdom in the export control list.

Axelr Rhoder, assistant minister of the US Department of Commerce, who is responsible for export enforcement, said in a statement: "The new export control list announced today has a clear message: If any country provides Russia with native American original technology, weYou will definitely find it, and you will take action. "

China: The abuse of exports in the United States is "economic stress and unilateralism"

The Ministry of Commerce of China responded on Saturday (7th) that the United States' approach was "generalized national security and abuse of export control measures."

According to the statement issued by the Ministry of Commerce of China, the United States once again included some Chinese companies in the export control list for the so -called reasons for Russia in a short time.It describes American actions as "economic coercion and unilateral dominance", and urges the United States to immediately correct the error approach and stops unreasonable targeting Chinese enterprises.

The U.S. government just included 11 Chinese and five Russian companies on the 25th on the 25th of last month in the trade restriction list. Some of the reasons for the disposal of some companies were to provide parts for Russia to attack Ukraine.

The United States has determined that after the company that threatens its national security or foreign policy is included in the export control list, the supplier must obtain the permission of the US Department of Commerce in order to supplies it to the company on the list.

The United States may announce the support of new aid weapons next week

On the other hand, the Biden government expects to provide new weapon assistance to Ukraine next Wednesday (11th).U.S. officials revealed that the new supporting value is expected to be US $ 200 million (about S $ 273 million), and the specific content is yet to be finalized.However, it is expected to be similar to the previous aid supporting facilities, including ammunition and ground vehicles.

The Temporary Demandment Act passed by the US Congress has not included assistance to Uhwu, which made Kiev very disturbed.The White House claims that $ 24 billion in military and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine should also be included in the funding bill.This was supported by the two -party senators, but some Republican members strongly opposed it.Later, the bill was adjusted, including excluding the aid of the aid to the funds, and it was passed.This reflects the increasing voice of disagreement between the United States.