In the last month, I talked about the presidential election with seven Taiwanese youths on different occasions. From the perspective of young people, they felt the weight of a vote in their hands.

Taiwan will be held on January 13, 2024, half a year later.The route that affects regions and global security and economic and trade situation has attracted much attention from this election campaign.

All kinds of political analysis can actually be found on the Internet, but face -to -face conversations have a little more temperature and straightforward view.

Four of the young people who talked with me are 20 to 23 years old and are the first votes of this election.Taiwan's voting age is 20 years old or over. The first investment tribe is estimated to exceed one million, accounting for about 5 % of the total number of voters, which is enough to take the results of the election.The other three were in their early age of 24 to 30.

Recent polls show that about 60 % of the people expect political parties to rotate.However, due to the appearance of triangle, at least six polls showed that the DPP candidates and Taiwan Vice President Lai Qingde's polls ranked first.Second, Hou Youyi, the maximum of the Kuomintang Kuomintang and the mayor of New Taipei, ranks third.

Among them, the latest beautiful island electronics newspaper polls on Friday (June 30) showed that Lai Qingde's support was 35.9 %, Ke Wenzhe got 28.6 %, and Hou Youyi fell to 17.1 %.

According to a young man, for the three major parties of the Blue (Kuomintang) Green (DPP) Bai (People's Party), from the discussion of friends around him, many people have excluded the Blue Army outside and believes that the Kuomintang is more pro -kiss.The Communist Party of China is worried that it will make Taiwan lose autonomy after entering the stage. "Young people should consider Ke Wenzhe or Lai Qingde when voting."

His statement is the dilemma of the Kuomintang and Hou Youyi side.Based on various polls, Ke Wenzhe, who speaks straightforward, is most popular with young people. The support of the ages of 20 to 39 is more than half of the ages. Lai Qingde ranks second, and Hou Youyi is at the bottom.

However, this group of young people is also very clear. Although 60 % of the people want to change the government, as long as the blue and white tickets are divided, Lai Qingde will continue to be green.

Based on their point of view, since the DPP has been in power for seven years, it has mastered the mainstream public opinion of Taiwanese people, but the disadvantages of governance lack strong supervision and the situation in the Taiwan Strait is becoming more and more intense.Dialogue, the number of military aircraft around the platform, and the risk of cross -strait warfare will only increase.

On June 30 alone, a total of 24 Chinese military aircraft including fighter jets and bombers appeared in the Taiwan Strait, of which 11 military aircraft crossed the Taiwan Strait midline, and five mainland warships joined joint combat reserve patrols.

According to the media, the media's activities may be that Mike Rogers, chairman of the US House of Representatives Military Commission, has led cross -party members to visit Taipei this week.The United States State Department also approved two military sales on Thursday (29th) for $ 440 million (S $ 595 million).

In the last presidential election, the slogan of "Anti -China Baozai" became the secret of the DPP's victory.Now the group of young people in front of me have a little more doubt whether they can protect Taiwan in confrontation.They hope that no matter who is elected, they can show cross -strait relations, as well as the ability to build mutual trust with the mainland and the United States at the same time.

They said in unison that they hope that Taiwan will "not have to choose a border station", and it is best to obtain US support in military security and democratic value, and have more close economic and civil exchanges with the mainland to meet the Constitution of the Republic of ChinaA China stated that maintaining the status quo of the Taiwan Strait and the lifestyle of Taiwan.

When it comes to maintaining the status quo of the Taiwan Strait, it is impossible to avoid the "1992 Consensus" that Beijing's emphasis on cross -strait political foundations.A young man said that the 1992 consensus has become a box office poison. "Most young people around them have a negative perception of the 1992 consensus. They tend to think that it is the concept of the DPP government, which is equivalent to the concept of one country, two systems."

The 1992 Consensus has been written into the Kuomintang Party Constitution and the Political Flave, but Hou Youyi still avoids the words "92 Consensus".Recently, the mainland has separated the 1992 consensus with one country and two systems. The press release of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China Office has specially restored the facts and emphasized that the first principle of "each statement with verbal statement" is the "authentic 92 consensus".

Many comments believe that if the Kuomintang comes to power, the cross -strait governments will slow down the situation in the Taiwan Strait because of recognition of "one China" and shelving each other's controversy in their connotation.

For this group of young people, the key to this election, in addition to which interpretation of the consensus of 1992, also includes this is the choice of "war and peace" set by the Kuomintang, or the DPP described by the DPPDemocracy and dictatorship "choice.

In general, young people want cross -strait issues to alleviate, providing Taiwan with better people's livelihood development and a safer living environment.In the next six months, who can move them to stand out with a stronger discussion, and the good show is still behind.