Russia will try to return to the UN Human Rights Council next Tuesday (October 10).

Reuters reported on Sunday (8th) that the UN General Assembly will vote for 15 new members next Tuesday, join the United Nations Human Rights Council headquartered in Geneva, and serve as a member of the country from 2024 to 2026.

According to the rules and regulations of the Human Rights Council, the number of 47 councils is distributed according to regional: 13 seats in Africa, 13 seats in the Asia -Pacific countries, six seats of Eastern European Groups, eight seats in Latin America and the Caribbean National Group, and Western Europe and otherSeven seats for national groups.

Each region national group usually selects its own candidates in advance and is approved by the UN General Assembly.

Reuters pointed out that the number of candidates for two groups this year exceeded the number of available seats.The four candidates, Brazil, Cuba, Dominican, and Peru in the Latin America, will compete for three seats in the region; Albania, Bulgaria and Russia in Eastern Europe will compete for two seats in the region.


In February 2022, after Military operations against Ukraine, Russia was expelled from the UN Human Rights Council. Now it tries to join again, causing objections.

Agence France -Presse claims that a spokesman for an anonymous U.S. State Department said that the United States hopes that the United Nations member states will "resolutely reject" the "absurd" candidate for Russia, emphasizing that the "Russian army has committed violations of the International Humanitarian Law in UkraineIncluding war crime and anti -human crime. "

Mariana Katzarova, a UN senior expert, recently pointed out that since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, Russia has intensified activities for activities, reaching the level of "unprecedented history in recent years".

Reuters said that a country wants to be elected members of the Human Rights Council, and it is necessary to get 97 votes in the 193 members of the United Nations.Last year, 93 countries voted in favor of the qualifications of suspended Russia, and another 24 countries opposed it.

The voting will be held on Tuesday.Reuters said that voting may make people see a fragmented world more clearly -some developing countries have been tired of continuous attention to Ukraine in the West.

Richard Gowan, representative of the International Crisis Organization in the United Nations Headquarters, believes that Western diplomats in New York "are quite worried" Russia will return to the Human Rights Council."" ".

Gao Wan also said that Russia has always believed that many UN member states have sympathy for Russia in private, but they will not support Russia in public because they are afraid of confrontation with Western powers.Most can support it in this non -name vote. "

The Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Nirvana Jada rejected that there is no "democratic lighthouse" or "hooligan country", and "no member state can claim that he is not affected by human rights."

Louis Charbonneau, director of Human Rights Watch, admitted that no human rights council has a "perfect human rights record", but the Human Rights Council has a standard for member states.He accused Russia and China ignored these standards.

Human rights observation on the grounds that Beijing infringes the Uyghur ethnic minority rights of Xinjiang, and calls on member states not to vote for China.However, Reuters pointed out that there are four countries in the Asian region to compete for four vacancies. China is one of them and the risks are facing in voting very little.

Other candidates for this voting also include Cotti, Malavi, Ghana, Kuwait, Indonesia, Japan, the Netherlands and France.