The Israeli army conducted a gun battle with the Hamas armed staff in at least seven locations, and one of the Sderot regions in southern Israel.(Reuters)

(Gaza / Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) Palestinian Islamic Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) Saturday (October 7) has launched the largest raid on Israel in recent years.Fire thousands of missiles towards Israel.The Israeli Prime Minister Neyho immediately announced that Israel was in a state of war and launched two air strikes on Gaha, and the tension reached a boiling point.

According to the official notification of Baza, as of 11:30 on Saturday, at least 70 people have died and 985 were injured; Palestine had at least 198 deaths and 1610 injuries.

Hamas launched about 2,500 missiles in Israel in the Gaza Strip on October 7.(Reuters)

Hamas is not ready

Since the aggressive Hamas control Gasha in 2007, there has always been the focus of Palestine's military conflict with Israel.In addition to launching missiles on Saturday, Hamas also sent militants to enter southern Israel.

Video released by social media shows that a number of Pakistani armed personnel wearing masks appeared in the streets of Senlot, a southern city of Israel, and sounded on the scene.

The Israeli military said that its troops at least seven locations and Hamas armed staff penetrated into Israel to fight.The military said they crossed the isolation fence and even used the gliding umbrella to enter Israel from the air.

Hamas armed personnel infiltrated the southern Israel marked the major upgrade of conflicts between the two sides.In response to why it was penetrated, Richard Hecht, the Israeli Army spokesman, did not answer the question of reporters directly, but only answered: "Good questions."

Palestinian armed elements on Saturday (October 7) from the southern cities in the Gaza Strip to the Israeli border.(Agence France -Presse)

Why did the attack at this time?

In the past year, the Israeli Right -wing government has increased the settlement of settlements on the west bank of the Jordan River occupied by Israel, which has led to a displacement of hundreds of local Palestinian people, and the tension around Jerusalem has also intensified.

Mohammed Deif, the leader of Hamas Military Organization, announced that he said that the "AL-AQSA Storm" was announced that Hamas was to defend Axesa andWar, called for the Palestinians from East Jerusalem to the Palestinians in northern Israel to join the battle.He said: "The people are restoring the revolution."

Aksa Mosque in the Old Town of Jerusalem is the third holy place of Islam, located in Temple Mount, the Holy Land of Jewish.

Israel has been turbulent recently.The judicial reform of Israel's Prime Minister Negamhu has caused huge differences.The Israelis who opposed the reform have repeatedly held large -scale protests, and even hundreds of reserve soldiers escaped volunteer services to protest, causing concerns about the ability to prepare for the army.

On October 7th, Israeli air strikes Gaza, and thick smoke rises above Gaza.(Agence France -Presse)

Multi -nations condemned Hamas Catal and Iran, but

Europe and the United States condemned Hamas to launch a large -scale attack on Israel.National Security Consultant Sarawan said the Biden government "clearly condemned" Hamas's attack on Israel.Boerly, a senior representative of EU diplomatic and security policy, said that he must "stop this horrible violence immediately."France, Britain, and Germany also condemned Hamas.

Saudi Arabia, which has been negotiating with the normalization of Israeli relations with the United States, issued a statement, calling on both parties to keep restraint.Egypt and Turkey also called on all parties to restrain, and the United Nations called on both parties to stop fire immediately.

However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar accused Israel of "unilateral" and the situation was upgraded.Hamenei, the highest spiritual leader of Iran, also said "congratulations and support" through the spokesman's attack on Hamas.

Israel launched an air strike attack on Gaza on October 7.A man holding a crying child walked across a building ruins hit by Israel.(Agence France -Presse)

Gaza turbulence history

1. Where is Gaza?

Gaza Strip is about 40 kilometers long and 12 kilometers wide. It is bounded by the Mediterranean, Israel and Egypt. It is part of the Ottoman Empire and the British Empire.The Palestinian shelters who leave their hometown.Egypt has ruled Gasha until Israel took it in 1967 in the sixth day of war.In 2005, Isaurus withdrew from Gaza.Today, Gasha is one of the two territories of Palestinians exercising limited autonomy, and the other is the west bank of the Jordan River.

MAP_0810_2023_RGB-01 (lianhe Zaobao)

2. Who is the territorial jurisdiction?

In the decade of 2006, Palestine's power agencies have been ruled by the West Bank of Gaza and led by the main faction of the Palestinian Liberation Organization.That year, Hamas in Israel won a legislative election and then controlled Gaza.Gasha's Hamas armed personnel had four major military confrontations with the Israeli troops.

3. What is the living condition of Gaza?

UN estimate, 52More than 00 Gaza died in the sporadic conflict with Israel, and most of them died in Israeli air strikes.Most people lived in the refugee camps built more than 70 years ago to resettle refugees in the 1948 war.Israel's 15 -year blockade exacerbated Gaza's poverty.

4. Why hasn't the situation improve?

This is a remote area that lacks natural resources, long -term poverty and refugees account for the majority.As Gasha under Hamas rule, Israel and Egypt are afraid and doubt about Gasha.In recent years, Israel has issued a license to 20,000 Gaza people in Israel to ease the situation.But to reach a peace agreement, the hope is not much.