(New Delhi Power Power) Indian police have accused Chinese mobile phone manufacturers Xiaomi and vivo assist illegal transfer funds to India a news website, and this website is suspected of collecting money for China to propagate China and is being investigated.

The New Delhi office and reporter's residence of the Indian news website NewsClick have been searched by the police recently. The founder and editor -in -chief of the website, Purgarasa, and a senior administrative personnel were arrested.

According to the preliminary report of the police that the police saw on Friday (October 6), Polcalasta was accused of conspiring Indian sovereignty with a little -known volunteer organization and creating dissatisfaction in India.NewSClick was suspected of collecting a large amount of funds in China, and then released a prejudice news content to criticize Indian domestic policies and development projects, while promoting and defending China's policies and plans.

The report wrote: "Xiaomi, vivo and other large telecommunications companies have opened thousands of shell companies in India ... illegally injected funds to India to further promote this conspiracy."

It is said that the allegations are ridiculous.

In response to allegations, NewsClick responded that it did not publish any news or information in accordance with any Chinese entity or Chinese official requirements.NewSClick refers to the police's allegations "completely ridiculous" and "obviously attempts to block India's freedom and independent media."The representative of this news website has entered the High Court and questioned the allegations.

Xiaomi and vivo are two best -selling mobile phone brands in India.Indian police did not list any evidence of Xiaomi and vivo suspected of illegal law in the report, nor did it explain what measures the police are considering.

A spokesman for the Xiaomi Indian company strongly denied the allegations that "Xiaomi Company strictly abide by the applicable law when conducting business activities, and any conspiracy allegations are not foundable."

After a military conflict occurred in a controversial border area in Mountain and India in 2020, the relationship between the two countries deteriorated sharply.Although after several rounds of military and diplomatic talks, the situation of border tensions was eased, but New Delhi pointed out that before the two sides were completely separated from contact and eased the situation, the relationship between the two countries could not return to normal.