The bloody upgrade has occurred in recent decades on Saturday (October 7).Target = _blank> has killed at least 300 people .Major airlines have canceled dozens of flights flying to Turvev, Israel this weekend.

Agence France -Presse reported that at the flight information sign at Tel Aviv Bengurian Airport, US Airlines, French Airlines, German Hansha Airlines, UAE Airlines, Ryan Airlines and Aegean Airlines all canceledflight.

However, commercial flights to Eilat did not stop.Elat is Israel's second international airport and a tourist destination on the Red Sea.

A Sales spokesman for Handsha said that, given the current security situation of Traviv, the airline will cancel all the flights to and from Tel Aviv until Monday (9th) , and the company is also paying close attention to Israel's security situation.EssenceThe Brucel Airlines of Hansha also canceled the flight to and from Traviv.

French Airlines said when the policy of flight cancellation was lifted, and the notice will be "separated."A spokesman for the airline company said that business measures have been in place, and passengers can postpone or cancel their schedule for free.

TRANSAVIA, a low-cost airline of France-Dutch Group, also announced the cancellation of all flights flying from Paris and Lyon to Tel Aviv until Monday.

In addition, the Iberian Airlines Iberia Express, the Iberian Airlines, also canceled the flight to and from Tel Aviv; Italy's iconic airline ITA Airlines canceled the flight to take off in the morning of Sunday (8th); PolandThe airline canceled the flight from Warsaw on Saturday.

According to Reuters, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) also urged all US airlines and pilots to fly cautiously within the scope of Israel's airspace on Saturday local time.