(Washington Composite Electric) in many regions of the United States is facing crown disease, influenza, and respiratory tract sympathetic virus (RSV) "triple epidemic" attack.Start with a mask.

The New York Times reported that in the past two weeks, crown cases in the United States have soared 56%, and the number of hospitalizations has increased by 24%.

The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that the influenza in this quarter has led to 13 million people and 7,300 people. It is expected that these numbers will rise in the next few months.

The suggestion made by

CDC is that according to the level of community crown disease in each county, including coronary disease -related admission rates, hospital beds and cases, decide whether to wear masks.

However, CDC Director Valenzky pointed out recently that officials encouraged everyone to "wear suitable high -quality masks to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, especially when using public transportation and airplanes.

Professor Shafner, a professor of infectious diseases at the University of Van Delti, pointed out that the spread rate of crown diseases, influenza, and RSVs across the United States may be more or less different, but in fact, the country is affected by these diseases.It is urged to "re -put on masks" in public places in public places.

Shafner said: "The crown disease epidemic tells us, because we have done their personal efforts in social security distance and wearing masks, and influenza, cold virus and RSV are significantly suppressed."

Zhu Hailun, the University of Seattle's sensitivity and infectious diseases, suggested that everyone should put on a mask when the infection rate and hospitalization rate are at a high level.

She pointed out that many hospital beds are close to saturation, and any method that can slow down respiratory disease transmission is useful.

High -quality masks, such as N95, KN95, or KF94 masks, can provide protection more effectively, to wash hands, disinfection of surface layers and other surface layers, and other public health measures such as indoor air, which is also important to restrict respiratory diseases.

The White House and CDC also emphasize the importance of vaccination and call on those who have not yet performed influenza vaccine and the latest crown disease.

The government spent nearly $ 2 billion to purchase Qiapu oral medication

On the other hand, the US government agrees to purchase an additional 3.7 million pack of crown disease oral drugs Paxlovid at the price of nearly 2 billion US dollars (about S $ 2.7 billion).

Pfizer issued a statement issued on Tuesday (December 14) saying that the United States had previously purchased 20 million packs of PaxLovid, and this time the replenishment is expected to be delivered in early 2023.

As of November 30, Pfizer has delivered nearly 37 million packages of Paxlovid oral medicine to 52 countries around the world.