During the visit to Shanghai, when the Ambassador to China in China, when he communicated with scholars with the Shanghai International Institute, it stated that the United States opposed Beijing to support Putin's cruel war in Ukraine.

According to the news released by the official WeChat public account of the US Embassy in China on Friday (June 14), Bernus met with Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng on Thursday (June 13).Bernus said on the X social platform (formerly known as Twitter), "I have a effective meeting with Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng and listen to his recent visit to Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York. We talk about Shanghai New York University and New York University andThe United States gives strong support to enhance education bonds of the two countries. "

Bernus also mentioned that he met with Russian topic scholars in Shanghai in Shanghai.He said on the X social platform, "I met with Chinese Russia -issued academic circles in Thailand, which showed them that the United States provided key materials for Chinese companies to Russian military industrial bases and Beijing's strong opposition to Cruise in Ukraine."

According to the news released by the official WeChat public account of the Shanghai International Institute of International Issues on Saturday (15th), three researchers Wu Yisi, Qiang Xiaoyun, and Zhao Long in the Shanghai International Institute of International Issue Research Institute were in the Shanghai American Cultural Center on Thursday afternoonCommunicating with the US ambassador to China, Burns, the two sides exchanged views around the Ukrainian crisis, Russian issues and Sino -Russian relations.

The Shanghai International Institute said that the Scholars of Shanghai Research Institute introduced China in detail the position of China's political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis, clarifying the necessity of determining the Ukrainian battlefield and not upgrading the war.From the history, politics, security, public opinion and other levels, the new era of China -Russia's comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership is not an alliance, non -confrontation, and the nature of third parties.The independent value of the development of the United States, Europe, Russia, and Ukraine.

Bernus pointed out that the exchange with scholars with the Sinica is constructive, very necessary and very gaining.Although there are differences in views on the Ukraine crisis and China -Russia relations, there are differences in views on issues such as, and they should maintain a dialogue between all levels, especially the two -track dialogue between think tanks.