China and the United States held the first meeting between artificial intelligence government dialogue on Thursday (May 14). At the meeting, China restricted the United States on the field of artificial intelligence to indicate a strict position on China.

According to the WeChat account of the "Broadly Pacific", the first meeting of the Sino -US artificial intelligence government dialogue was held in Geneva, Switzerland, Switzerland time.The meeting was co -hosted by Yang Tao, director of the North American Oceania of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the key to the US State Council's key and emerging technical agent Special Embassy, ​​Special Environment, and the senior director of the National Security Council.

The two parties exchanged their opinions at a constructive manner around artificial intelligence technology risks, global governance, and other concerns.

The two parties introduced their respective views and governance measures on artificial intelligence technology risks, and measures to promote artificial intelligence to empower economic and social development.China emphasized that artificial intelligence technology is currently the most watched emerging technologies. China always adheres to the people -oriented and intelligent concepts to ensure that artificial intelligence technology is beneficial, safe, and fair.

China supports the strengthening of global governance of artificial intelligence and advocates the role of the United Nations main channels. It is willing to strengthen communication and coordination with the international community including the United States, and form a global artificial intelligence governance framework and standard specifications with extensive consensus.China is also aimed at the restrictions on the United States in the field of artificial intelligence.

Both sides recognize that the development of artificial intelligence technology faces both opportunities and risks, and reiterates that it will continue to work to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state in San Francisco.

Artificial intelligence is one of the areas that China and the United States have widespread competition in cutting -edge technology in recent years, involving semiconductors, mobile phones, electric vehicles and quantum computing.In order to curb China's development in the field of artificial intelligence, the US government has adopted a series of export restrictions on China, especially for artificial intelligence equipment that can be used to enhance Chinese military technology.