According to the Russian satellite society website reported on April 8, US Finance Minister Yellen said on the 8th that the United States does not seek "decoupled" with China, and "decoupling" will cause catastrophic consequencesEssence

Yellen visited China from April 4th to April 9th. When she held a press conference in Beijing on the 8th, she pointed out that during the visit, she conducted effective talks in Beijing and Guangzhou.

Yelun said: "I reiterate that the United States does not seek to be" decoupled 'with China. The economic connection between China and the United States is closely linked, and' decourse 'will bring catastrophic consequences. "

She said that although the United States is taking measures to diversify the supply chain, she still strives to retain a broader trade and investment relationship that is beneficial to American companies.

Yellen said: "China is an important market for American commodities and services. The competition of American companies in China is stimulating the huge vitality and innovation of the American industry."

"Together, negotiate together"!China opposes the United States for no reason to disturb Chinese citizens

According to the Taiwan United News Network reported on April 9, the Chinese Embassy in the United States issued a press release on the 8th that in recent years, American border law enforcement officials have continued to disturb, investigate, and repatriate China.Beauty personnel, especially international students, scholars.According to incomplete statistics, since July 2021, nearly 300 Chinese citizens who have been repatriated by the United States have been repatriated by the United States, of which more than 70 international students hold legal and effective materials.

Press release pointed out that since November 2023, 10 Chinese students studying in Dulles Airport in Washington have been disturbed, investigated, and canceled visas were repatriated when they entered the country.

In December 2023, a Chinese visitor to the United States was disturbed when entering the Dules International Airport. The US border law enforcement officers conducted three rounds of 10 hours in the "small black house"Including asking whether it is a member of the Communist Party of China, and checking his mobile phones, computers and other portable electronic devices. In the end, the person was canceled the visa and permanently prohibited from entering the United States.

In February 2024, another student visiting the United States was detained for 22 hours when he entered the San Francisco International Airport. Four law enforcement officials used the car -wheel war to ask for 12 hours in the "small black house", including the political background, including the political background, andIn the field of research, the purpose of coming to the United States, and funding, the person was finally canceled the visa, repatriated to the country, and prohibited from entering the United States within 5 years.

The Chinese Embassy in the United States stated that similar incidents have emerged endlessly, and they have become more and more intense recently. Even Chinese civil servants who have been invited by the United States to visit the United States are also disturbed and investigated for no reason.

The press release emphasizes that the United States' approach far exceeds the scope of normal law enforcement, with strong ideological bias, seriously violates the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, seriously interferes with normal personnel in China and the United States, and seriously violates China and the United States.Consensus of humanistic exchanges.China has strong dissatisfaction and resolutely oppose.

The Chinese Embassy in the United States stated that it cannot be tolerated illegally and rudely to any Chinese student.The bureau and other departments were negotiated.Regarding such cases, China insists on "happening together, negotiating together" until the problem is resolved.

The press release also mentioned that the Chinese side urged the United States to effectively implement the consensus reached by the heads of state of the two countries, stopped using the guise of the so -called "national security" to come to the US citizens, stop the public opinion environment of the two countries, and stop hindering the two.The people's friendly exchanges.