According to the Russian New News Agency reported on April 6, Russian Presidential Journalism Secretary Dmitry Peskov said that President Putin instructed the Minister of Emergency Alexander KouliankovFlying to Orenburg immediately, all the necessary tasks were necessary to coordinate the flooded areas on the spot.

Peskov said: "Dennis Pasley, Governor of Olerenburg, who is at the flood scene, reported the situation to President Putin. Minister Kuriankov reported the situation and measures taken by the disaster area ... Putin's indicator library ...Liancov immediately flew to the disaster area to coordinate all necessary work, help the public, and eliminate the consequences of natural disasters.

On the 5th, Olsk, Olsk, Olsk, Olsk.Mayor Vasili Kippzha pointed out that there are two damage to the dam.

On the morning of the 6th, the water level reached a critical point.Experts predict that the flood will be retreated within one to two weeks.They believe that Olsk met in a century of floods.

According to Tas News on the 6th, the Russian emergency department revealed that there was another new gap in the Olsk dam.Nickl Village, Boriserbesbu Street and other regions may encounter floods.

The ministry said Olsk is continuing to evacuate the public.About 300 people currently live in temporary resettlement points.Another 33 resettlement facilities are ready, which can accommodate more than 23,000 people.

According to the Singapore Union Newspaper website reported on the 6th, after a dam in a dam in Olsk, Olsk, Olsk, Russia, the state government said on the 6th that the state has 4208 people, including 1019 children, have been evacuated.More than 2,500 houses were flooded.

It is reported that more than 4,000 houses and about 11,000 people in Olsk are in the flood discharge area.Orenburg is located 1,500 kilometers east of Moscow, near Russia and Kazakhstan border.

The Ulal River flowing through Olunburg is currently in the spring flood.On April 4, Olerenburg was announced in an emergency due to the threat of floods.(Compiled/Zhu Lifeng)