Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang on Sunday (April 7) and the visiting U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen emphasized that China hopes that China and the United States are partners instead of opponents, and the United States will do more with China.Continue to implement the important consensus between the heads of state between China and the United States, so that the "San Francisco Vision" has become a "real scene."

According to Xinhua News Agency, Li Qiang described the current stability of Sino -US relations, and emphasized that China and the United States as the two largest economies in the world, deeply blending economic interests, strengthening economic and trade cooperation on the development of the two sides and global economic growth.It is of great significance.The two sides should strengthen communication, jointly find the way to control differences and solve differences, so that Sino -US economic and trade cooperation is stable, smooth, and efficient, creating more benefits for enterprises and people of two countries, and contributing to the development of world economic development and the improvement of people's livelihood.

Li Qiang also said that he hopes that the United States and China will adhere to the basic criteria for market economy that adhere to fair competition and open cooperation, and will not generalize economic and trade issues, politics and security.From the perspective of the market and global vision, starting from economic laws, it is necessary to look at the problem of production capacity objectively and dialectically.The development of China's new energy industry will make important contributions to global green low -carbon transformation.China is willing to strengthen policy coordination with the United States on issues such as climate change and jointly cope with global challenges.

According to Agence France -Presse, Yellen emphasized that the United States and China can only make progress only by communicating with each other directly.