Minister of Finance of the United States after the end of the visit to ChinaThe press conference emphasized that the United States will not accept the emerging industries, as the American steel sector 10 years ago, and will be destroyed by a large number of Chinese low -cost imported products subsidized.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that Yellen Monday (April 8) held a press conference in the official residence of the United States Ambassador to China in Beijing to introduce her to visit China in the past four days.The US -China exchange has promoted the interests of the United States.

This is the second visit to China within nine months of Yellen.The focus of her trip was to communicate with the Chinese government on the issue of China's electric vehicles, solar panels and other clean energy products.The United States believes that these issues pose a threat to manufacturers in the United States and other countries.NotShe expressed concerns about China's weak domestic demand and the excessive investment in emerging industries such as electric vehicles, photovoltaic and batteries that have received great support of the Chinese government.

She also said, "We have read such a narrative. More than 10 years ago, the People's Republic of China strongly supported the production of Chinese steels with less costs than costs, pouring into the global market, destroying the industries around the world and the United States.I have clearly stated that President Biden and I will no longer accept the realistic reappearance of the year.The survival of foreign companies will be in trouble. "

At the same time, Yellen also warned the Bank of China and exporters, "If it helps Russia to improve its military strength, it will face the pursuit of Washington."

Yellen reiterated that enterprises, including the People's Republic of China, must not provide material support to the Russian and Ukraine War, otherwise they will face major consequences."Any bank to transport military -civilian dual -use items for Russian defense industry bases to promote major transactions, and will face the risk of being sanctioned by the United States."

Since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War in 2022, the Bayeon government has been trying to suppress companies globally to assist Russia to avoid the sanctions between the United States and its allies.China has been the target of warning in the past, but Yellen's threat of sanctions directly in Beijing is unusual.

As Russian Foreign Minister Raft Ravor arrived in Beijing for two days to open a visit to China, Yellen made the above remarks.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that Lavrov will hold talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi during his visit to China.The two are expected to exchange opinions on issues such as the Ukraine crisis.Although China has repeatedly stated that it has maintained a neutral position against the Russian -U -U -U -U -U -U -U -U -U -U -U -U -U -U -Uta war, China and Russia have increased significantly since the outbreak of the war.