When the US Treasury Minister Yellen visited China, China and the United States resumed the maritime military security consultation after three years, and the United States had concerned about China on the South China Sea situation; China warned that it will continue to respond to all dangerous provocations in accordance with laws and regulations in accordance with laws and regulations.Essence

The Philippines is about to hold the first large -scale joint exercise with the United States, Japan and Australia.Interviewees analyzed that the most urgent topic of China and the United States in the South China Sea is to avoid misjudgment and prevent close management of military close contact with preventive management.

From April 3rd to 4th, the Chinese and American military held a meeting of the working group of the Sino -US Maritime Military Safety Consultation Mechanism of the Year in Hawaii, USA.The meeting was held in December 2021 through the online method in December 2021.

In August 2022, China once frozen a high -level military contact with the United States because of the US House of Representatives Perosi visited Taiwan.U.S. President Biden and Chinese officials agreed to restart military communication between the two countries at the San Francisco meeting last November.

Sino -US defense officials restarted face -to -face talks in the Pentagon in January this year. The working group meeting of the Maritime Military Safety Consultation Mechanism marked the further recovery of the original military talks mechanism.

China has not disclosed the specific identity of the representatives; the press release of the US Department of Defense pointed out that the United States representatives from the United States from the U.S. Indo -Pacific Command, the US Pacific Fleet and the Pacific Air Force.

According to the press release of the US Department of Defense, officials of the two countries reviewed the specific cases of regional security -related accidents in the past few years, and discussed on maintaining operational safety and professional performance in the sea and air.

The press release of the Ministry of Defense of China described that the two sides conducted "frank and constructive exchanges" on the current Sino -US maritime and air security situation. The topics discussed include measures to improve the issue of military security in China and the United States.

In the past year, the Philippines of China and the United States allies have been intensive in controversial sea in the South China Sea.The United States has increased its military cooperation with the Philippines last year, and has clearly warned any attacks on Philippine aircraft, ships or armed forces.

During the meeting, US officials have expressed concern about China's continued concerns about "unsafe behaviors of non -American assignments".

The press release quoted an unnamed US defense official: "In the past few months, we continued to see China in response to the regular maritime operation of the Philippines in the South China Sea in danger and illegal ways.Press these issues to China. "

The United States has also tried to release a gentle signal to China that China ’s overall unsafe behavior in regional reduction in the United States and air duty personnel, and feels“ Encouraged ”.

The Philippines Sunday (April 7) will hold large -scale maritime joint exercises in the Philippines exclusive economic zone in the Western Philippines in the United States, Japan and Australia, which is very meaningful to China.

China emphasized at the meeting that "ship's safety is inseparable from national security."China has resolutely opposed any actions that endanger China's sovereignty and security in the name of navigation and flying over the name of freedom, and have shown that the Chinese army will continue to "respond to all dangerous provocations in accordance with laws and regulations, firmly safeguard their own territorial sovereignty and marine rights, safeguard regional peace and prosperity and prosperity"" ".

Xu Ruilin, a senior researcher at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology Rajernan International Research Institute, was judged during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post, "The joint exercises of the Philippines and the United States, Japan and Australia will not be the last." The U.S. military may strengthen support for the Philippines.The most urgent problem of China and the United States in the South China Sea is to avoid misjudgment and prevent close contact between the Chinese and American forces that may occur.

After the first call of China and the United States last week, the high -level officials of the two parties launched a new round of contact; Yellen on Thursday (April 4) launched a visit to China. US Secretary of State Broskented would also expect that in the next few weeksVisit China.

Xu Ruilin pointed out that the time point for Chinese and American officials to intensive interaction in the near future may be coincidental, but both countries seeks to release a consistent signal to the outside world -that is, the two sides are starting to manage the differences in various fields.In recent months, China has focused on boosting the confidence of overseas investors. From this perspective, China has also sought communication through military and economy to reduce investors' concerns about the risk of geographical competition between China and the United States.