A government financing bill was announced on Sunday (March 3), local time (March 3), which prohibits the sale of US strategic reserve oil to China.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that the US Congress negotiated representatives announced the above bill on Sunday, which was 1050 pages.

Chuck Schume, the majority party leader of the Senate, said that the US House of Representatives must vote on the bill first, and then the Senate can review the bill before Friday.

Although the two parties in the United States are seriously different, they all hope to adopt a strong stance on China to solve their competitive problems with the Chinese government.

In order to curb the rise in oil prices after the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, the Bayeng government released 180 million barrels of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve in 2022, which led to the 40 years of strategic oil reserves in the United States. Therefore, strategic oilThe scale of reserve has become the focus of attention again.

In the same year, the United States sold 1 million barrels of oil from the United States to Sinopec's United Petrochemical Corporation (UNIPEC America Inc.), a subsidiary of Sinopec.Since then, Republican critics have tried to prohibit strategic reserve oil from China.

In July last year, the US Senate passed a bill that prohibited from exporting strategies to export strategies to China with 85-14.

The United States established a strategic oil reserve after the Arab country's petroleum embargo in the 1970s, and is currently 346.8 million barrels.The Biden government has vowed to supplement the reserves, and has purchased about 23 million barrels since last year.