Lou Qinjian, a spokesman for the National People's Congress of China, said that the US election is the US internal affairs, and China does not stand in this.No matter who is elected, China hopes that the United States can do with China and promote Sino -US relations in a stable, healthy, sustainable direction.

The National Meeting of the People's Republic of China (March 4) held a press conference in the morning. The Associated Press reporter asked questions at the meeting that the United States entered the election year this year. What does this mean for Sino -US relations?What impact will the results of the election have on Sino -US relations?

In this regard, Lou Qinjian answered that Sino -US relations have stabilized and getting better.The attitude of the Chinese side is in accordance with the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping, and promote the stable, healthy and sustainable development of the relationship between the two countries.

He said, "We say that, do this. I hope the United States complies with its commitments and builds the five important pillars of Sino -US relations.Falling in practice " As for the problem of the US election, Lou Qinjian said:" The US election is the US internal affairs, we do not hold this.Promote Sino -US relations in a stable, healthy, sustainable direction.It adopted anti -China and deeds against Chinese institutions, enterprises and citizens, and even visited Taiwan, China.These practices are rudely interfered in China's internal affairs, damaged the legitimate rights and interests of China, and interfered with the normal exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.In this regard, the National People's Congress of China has also expressed its resolute position and attitude of China by issuing a statement and other methods.

However, Lou Qinjian also said that in the past few years, although it has encountered multiple difficulties, the Chinese and US legislative agencies still maintain contact in various ways.The party members' delegation to visit China is one of the examples.This year marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The legislative agencies of the two sides still need to communicate, dialogue, and communicate more to enhance each other's understanding and play a constructive role for the steady development of Sino -US relations.