The U.S. Embassy in China on Friday (March 1) emphasized on Weibo that the embassy account did not enable the filtering comment function and appealed that the content of the comments failed to display it in time, which was dissatisfied.

The embassy wrote: "The account of the US Embassy in China has not enabled the filtering comment function. When netizens commented on the content of our recent release, they found that the comments were delayed. We believe that discussion, debate, andCriticism is very important. We are also dissatisfied with the content of the comments in time.Media account as an unconventional vent.

On February 2nd, a spokesman Rachael Chen was released on Weibo, Rachael Chen, and she invited netizens to share the past five unforgettable moments and accidentally caused a large number of messages.This Weibo has more than 230,000 likes and 50,000 messages.

On the same day, the American Embassy also released a post about protecting wild giraffe, which attracted more than 180,000 comments and 20,000 reposts. Many of them have nothing to do with wild animals.The anger of "cut leeks" by the Chinese stock market.