Han Zheng, vice chairman of China, called on China and the United States to actively expand the field of cooperation and describe the huge potential of Sino -US economic and trade cooperation. Welcome more people in the American business community to invest in China.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Han Zheng on Saturday (March 2) to attend the annual thank -you dinner of the American Chamber of Commerce in Beijing and delivered a speech.It will also be the pioneers of more better cooperation in the future. I hope that the two sides will have a friendly and friendly foundation, actively expand the field of cooperation, create a favorable development environment, and promote the mutual benefit of Sino -US economic and trade cooperation.

Han Zheng said that China's development achievements are achieved in openness. It will unswervingly expand the high level of opening to the public, continue to reduce the negative list of foreign capital access, effectively ensure the national treatment of foreign investment enterprises, create marketization to create marketizationThe business environment of rule of law and internationalization provides more opportunities for the development of enterprises including American companies in China.

Han Zheng also said that Sino -US economic and trade cooperation potential, broad space, and promising futures. "Welcome more friends in the American business community to invest in China to promote business. Looking forward to the Chinese and American Chamber of Commerce to adhere to their original intentions, move forward, strengthenCommunicate and contact institutions such as the China Trade Council and other institutions to jointly promote Sino -US economic and trade cooperation to achieve more results. "

According to Bloomberg, the US ambassador to China Burns said at the dinner that China's manufacturing capacity overcapacity, the sanctions taken by the United States on Chinese companies, and some types of Chinese cars brought brought by the Chinese cars brought by Chinese cars.The risk of network security is some difficulties that the two countries need to face.

After the head of state of the two countries last November, China and the United States worked together to ensure that the relationship between the two countries was stable.

Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang met on Wednesday (February 28) to meet with the US Chamber of Commerce, chairman and CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce, to visit China.The U.S. Chamber of Commerce pointed out that the CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was last visit to China in 2018.