Due to the concerns of being sanctioned by the United States, Biotechnology Company Yao Kangde has become the Chinese -funded stock that has been sold the most by overseas investors this year.

According to Bloomberg News on Wednesday (February 28), the northbound data compiled by Bloomberg shows that foreign investors have sold 5.45 billion yuan (about S $ 1.02 billion) this yearEssence

This is very different from last year's situation. At that time, the company's stock was sought after by overseas investors. Overseas investors bought a total of 7.6 billion yuan in shares.

The cross -party group composed of members of the two houses of the United States proposed a draft version of the Biological Safety Act on January 25. It is recommended to restrict US administrative organs with several biotechnology suppliers.And Yaoming creatures.

In response, Yao Ming Kangde issued an announcement saying that the opposition to the US members' claim about the company's threat of the US national security stated that "there is no past, the present, and the future will not constitute a national security risk for the United States"Essence

The stock price of Yaoming Kangde and Yaoming Bio has fallen sharply since January, with a total market value of $ 14 billion (about S $ 18.8 billion).