Gragel, chairman of the China House of Representatives, announced that he would not seek re -election.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that Mike Gallagher issued a statement on social platform X (formerly known as Twitter) on Saturday (February 10), announcing that he would not seek re -election.

After winning the House of Representatives in 2023, Republican members set up a special committee of the China Issues to improve the outside world's understanding of the problems behind the increasingly tense relations of the United States and China.

Adopting a tough position for China is one of the minority policies supported by the US Congress Democratic and Republican parties. Gragell was praised for successfully cooperating with members of the Democratic Party in the committee.

Garrat tried to inhibit the inflow of American investors through the field of economic fields, rather than individual companies.However, the committee lacks legislative power, which means that the chairman of other committees has decided to go to the committee's proposal.