(Beijing Comprehensive News) He Lifeng, Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council of China and the leader of Sino -US economic and trade, Jay Shambaugh, who attended the third meeting of the China -US Economic Working Group on Tuesday.

According to the Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency on Tuesday (February 6), He Lifeng pointed out to Shangbo and others that the two sides should jointly implement the important consensus of the San Francisco meeting between the heads of state of China and the United States and continue to use the channels for the Sino -US economic work group., Deepen exchanges and cooperation, accumulate consensus results, stabilize and develop economic relations between China and the United States, and better benefit enterprises and people between the two countries.

China and the United States established the Economic and Financial Working Group in September last year to maintain dialogue on substantive economic and financial policy issues.On November 8, last year, He Lifeng was invited by US Finance Minister Yelun.>, Go to San Francisco as a leader in China and the United States economy and trade, to visit the United States, and prepare for the economic results for Chinese officials and US President Biden to meet in San Francisco.

According to the Voice of the United States, a US Treasurer reported on Tuesday that Shangbo led a five -person delegation and held the third time in the Sino -US Economic Working Group in Beijing from February 5th to 6th from February 5th to 6th.Meeting.This is also the first time that the working group has held a face -to -face meeting in Beijing.

Officials of the US Treasury officials revealed to Reuters that the two sides will discuss the cooperation between China and the United States, the investment review mechanism of the two countries, and cooperation in climate change and the debt reduction and exemption of poor countries.

The New York Times reported that the talks also included "frank dialogue" for non -market economy methods such as government subsidies such as government subsidies.At the same time, the US delegation may also pave the way for Yellen's second visit to China.

It is reported that China and the United States are trying to avoid the upgrading of any tensions.The Biden government has always tried to persuade Chinese officials that the United States strives to achieve diversification of supply chain and reduce dependence on China, but it is not intended to hurt China's economic development.