The Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng said that there is no factual basis for "China's economy". Whether it is a tariff, a scientific and technological war, or a cognitive war, it cannot stop the pace of China's high -quality development.

The official website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States on Tuesday (February 6) released Xie Feng's speech at the Spring Festival enrollment meeting of the overseas Chinese school in "Warm Welcome Spring and Celebrating the Chinese Year", saying that the Chinese epidemic prevention and control is stableDiversion, high -quality development is solidly advanced, high -level opening to the outside world continues to expand, and the Chinese -style modern road has become wider and wider.

Xie Feng said that China's economic transcript is sufficient and good in color, with a reasonable growth of "quantity". GDP (GDP) increased by 5.2 % year -on -year, and only increased by more than 6 trillion yuan.RMB (about S $ 1.13 trillion) is equivalent to the economic aggregate of a medium country for one year.

He said that the Chinese economy has an effective improvement of "quality", the role of consumer engines is prominent, new quality productivity has accelerated, and high -tech industrial investment has maintained a double -digit growth, and the export value100 million yuan.

Xie Feng said that the Chinese economy has a solid foundation, large -scale markets, complete industrial systems, nearly 900 million labor force and other advantages to issue policy portfolio such as government bonds, tax cuts, reduction rates, and other policy portfolioFist gradually exerts its efforts.

He said that the Chinese economy still has the broad space of "entering". In the next ten years, the secondary income group will reach 800 million, and the digital economy is expected to reach $ 15.7 trillion (about NAN $ 2.1.08 trillion in 2027), A group of high -end, intelligent, and green new pillar industries have risen rapidly.

Xie Feng emphasized that the "Chinese economic collapse theory" has repeatedly collapsed, and there is no factual basis for "China's economy".Whether it is customs duty, scientific and technological warfare, or cognitive wars, it cannot stop China's high -quality development.

The performance of Chinese A shares is bleak this year. A large number of Chinese netizens went to the post of the Weibo account of the US Embassy in China to leave a message to express their dissatisfaction with the fall of the Chinese stock market.The statement of China's economy has been widely spread again.