Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and US National Security Consultant Sarawan held a two -day meeting in Bangkok, Thailand from January 26th to 27th.According to the news announced by both parties in China and the United States, the atmosphere of the meeting was good, which created conditions for the continued communication of Sino -US senior management this year.

China reported that Wang Yi and Shalvin conducted a "frank, substantial, and fruitful strategic communication."The White House also stated that the two sides held "frank, substantial and constructive talks" on global and regional issues.

It is reported that Wang Yi and Shalvin had a two -day closed -door talks for 12 hours.After the meeting, the White House also held a press conference after the talks, revealing that China and the United States will speak for the first time in the next few months. US Secretary of State Brosky is also expected to visit China again this year.

After the Sino -US outbreak of trade in 2018, the two sides launched a comprehensive game in the fields of politics, economy, technology, and ideology, and Sino -US relations fell straight.Especially in August 2022, Perosi, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives, visited Taiwan. Sino -US relations were tense and a comprehensive collapse.

But China and the United States are obviously difficult to bear the consequences of bilateral relations.After 2023, Wang Yi and Shalvin held multiple closed -door meetings in a third party to cool down for tension.In November last year, Chinese officials and US President Bynden realized talks in San Francisco, and Sino -US relations have improved.

This time, Wang Yi and Shalvin met in Bangkok. Although the expressions of the two sides were different, the overall evaluation was relatively positive, showing that Sino -US relations may have rarely eased in recent years.

China reports that the two parties agree that the heads of state of the two countries will remain frequent; promote the exchanges of all levels of China and the United States, and make good use of the current strategic communication channels and the fields of diplomacy, the two armies, economics, finance, business, climate change and other fields.A series of dialogue and negotiation mechanisms; recently launched the Sino -US anti -drug cooperation working group; this spring will be held in the first meeting of the Sino -American artificial intelligence government dialogue mechanism; further measures are taken to expand the cultural exchanges between the two countries.The two sides also discussed international and regional issues such as the Middle East, Ukraine, the Korean Peninsula, and the South China Sea.

The US statement stated that the two sides discussed related issues such as the Russia and Ukraine War, the Middle East, North Korea, the South China Sea and Myanmar, and also discussed the Taiwan Strait issue;Develop more high -level diplomatic and negotiations in the field; China and the United States will keep a regular connection; the two sides recognize the progress of China and the United States in restoring military exchanges, and point out the importance of maintaining these communication channels.The two sides also welcomed the progress of the two countries in anti -drug cooperation, including the Sino -US anti -drug work group that will be launched on January 30; this spring will hold the first meeting of the Sino -US artificial intelligence government dialogue mechanism.

From the perspective of China, the Taiwan issue has always been the top priority of Sino -US relations.Taiwan held a general election this month, and the DPP, which advocated the "Taiwan independence", continued to govern, bringing new variables to cross -strait and Sino -US relations.In addition, the United States will also hold a general election this year. China is definitely worried that the United States will continue to break through the bottom line on the Taiwan issue. Therefore, as long as China and the United States communicate, China will inevitably pay attention to the Taiwan issue first.

Wang Yi emphasized in the meeting that the biggest challenge of Sino -US relations is "Taiwan independence".The United States must abide by a China principle and three joint communiqués in China and the United States, and will not support the implementation of the "Taiwan independence" commitment to the action, and support China's peaceful unity.

Supporting the peace reunification of China is a new requirement made in Chinese officials in November last year.Wang Yi reiterated this that China has normalized this requirement.

The United States has no positive response to Wang Yi's demands on the issue of Taiwan in the statement, but just emphasizes the importance of maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.This is also the consistent position in the United States on the Taiwan issue.

The United States sent a cross -party delegation to visit Taiwan the next day after the election in the Taiwan election, but Biden also reiterated the "Taiwan independence" as soon as possible after the Taiwan election.Dennis Wilder, a former presidential assistant to the former President of the National Security Commission and senior director of East Asian affairs, analyzed on January 17 that the Bayeng government is currently facing the turbulent situation in Ukraine and the Middle East, and the United States does not want another crisis.The United States will be elected President Lai Qingde to Taiwan to show this, reminding him not to create new problems.

In other words, although the DPP continues to govern in Taiwan, although it is conducive to the United States to continue to play the "Taiwan card", during the term of office of the Bayeng government, the United States will still avoid the situation of the Taiwan Straits out of control and become another "hot potato" in the United States.Essence

For China, it is unrealistic to require the United States to not play the "Taiwan card". As long as the United States does not break through the bottom line of "Taiwan independence", Sino -US relations have room for turning, and China can focus on solving internal development problems.

As for the United States' precautions against China and the game between China and the United States in various fields, it will continue, and will not have a great change due to the communication between China and the United States.

US Secretary of Commerce Raymond on January 26 said that the United States cannot allow China to use the US cloud computing system to train their models. The United States will take a series of measures to prevent China from using American technology to develop artificial intelligence.

But the game between China and the United States does not mean that both parties have no cooperation, nor does it mean that there is no room for bilateral relations.This time, Wang Yi and Shalvin met with China and the United States with more positive evaluations, creating conditions for the next step of the two parties to continue communication in different fields.

Of course, Sino -US relations have been unable to return to the state before the outbreak of the trade war between the two sides in 2018.In addition, after the decline in these years, the foundation of the comprehensive recovery of Sino -US relations has no longer existed, and the "black swan incident" may even occur at any time.But for the fragile global economy and region, Sino -US relations have eased, even if it may not last, it is a good thing.