(Washington/Beijing/Bangkok Comprehensive News) U.S. officials revealed that US National Security Consultant Sarawan and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi discussed that in the spring of this year, US President Biden and Chinese official calls were arranged.

Sarawan and Wang Yi ended a two -day and more than 12 hours of talks on Saturday (January 27) in Bangkok.This is also the two met again after the first meeting of the US dollar last November.

Bloomberg quoted senior US officials who learned about the talks that Salvin and Wang Yi agreed to seek more communication channels, not only at the cabinet level, but also arranged Biden's official calls with Chinese officials in the next few months.The official also said that U.S. Secretary of State Brosky is expected to visit China again this year.Blint visited China last June and was the first US Secretary of State to visit China in the past five years.

The statement issued by the White House after meeting with Wang Yi also revealed that China and the United States discussed the topic of Xiwai call.

Shalvin and Wang Yi meeting in Bangkok this time highlight the efforts of the United States and China to improve the relationship between the two countries.During the Xi -worship meeting held last year, both sides claimed to have achieved some breakthroughs, including cracking down on Fantnea trafficking and restoring the communication between the two armies.Sino -US defense officials restored the Ministry of Defense's work meeting in the Pentagon this month, and the working group of the two countries to crack down on fentanyl trafficking will also hold the first joint work conference in Beijing on January 30.

The above -mentioned officials also said that when negotiating with Wang Yi, Salvin urged China to use its economic influence on Iran to curb the commercial shipping of Iran's support of the Yemenhota armed forces to attack the Red Sea.Nobody is in line with China's economic interests.

Agence France -Presse quoted the US official: "China directly tells us that they are asking this problem to Iran. But you know that we are observing the actual situation, (Hussean armed) those attacks seem to continue."

The United States and China did not mention the Hassas armed issue in the official statement, but reiterated their policy stance.

Earlier, Reuters quoted four Iranian sources and a diplomat who were familiar with the matter on Friday (January 26). Chinese officials asked Iranian officials to help curb the act of Hassas armed in the Red Sea to attack ships, otherwiseThe business relations between China and Iran may be affected.

Analysts believe that China can use economic and trade strength to play a certain degree of influence on Iran and its Hascean armed forces.As the United States is unwilling to involve more in the situation in the Middle East and strives to avoid direct war with Iran, it also hopes to mediate through China to alleviate the situation in the Middle East.