A person familiar with the matter revealed that the investigation of officials before the leakage of crown disease policies before the Chinese national security department was earlier than expected.

Wall Street Journal on Wednesday (July 26) quoted people familiar with the matter. Last fall, a survey that had not been reported before showing that Chinese national security departments had visited some expert online companies to trace a high degree of sensitivity in China to investigate China's highly sensitive sensitivity.The leakage of crown disease policy and vaccine strategy.Investigators have asked the staff of Shanghai consulting companies whether they have arranged to meet or call experts who understand the inside story of Chinese medical policy.

The above -mentioned people said that the investigators showed a list of experts and the time and date of the meeting of these personnel who had delivered speeches.People familiar with the matter said that the list includes a former policy researcher at a provincial Health Commission, and said that investigators wanted to know who asked for this information and what the customers of the Shanghai consulting company wanted to know.

It is reported that the visit of Chinese national security personnel shows that a few months ago when the relevant departments raided the expert network company Kaisheng Rongying, a few months ago, the Chinese government had been worried about the information determined by key policies.Discovery.In May this year, the CCTV news program reported these sudden investigations, saying that some Western countries had stolen information and information in the fields of Chinese military, economy, and finance.

In the second half of last year, when the Chinese stock market fluctuated abnormally, international and Chinese domestic investors were very concerned about the opinions of Chinese medical experts.Strict dynamic dynamic clearance policy.

October and November last year, the Hong Kong Hang Seng Index, mainly promoted by China stocks, rose and declined by six trading days.

It is unclear whether China's investigation of crown disease information leakage is still continuing.The News Office of the State Council did not respond to the Wall Street Journal's comment request.