Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency published a comment article on Thursday (July 27), saying that the more Sino -US relations are in the trough, the more you need to strengthen civil exchanges and stabilize the foundation of public opinion.Today, when Sino -US relations have fallen into severe difficulties, the people of the two countries have moved forward and more exchanges, which can further enhance the understanding and friendship of the people of the two countries, and return to the right track for Sino -US relations.

The article said that former US Secretary of State and Centennial Elderly Kissinger recently visited China as a "old friend". Many American company executives came to China to seek expansion cooperation.Mutual exchanges and exchanges of civil organizations such as think tanks are getting hotter. With the gradual recovery of high -level interaction between China and the United States, civil exchanges between the two countries have shown a faster heating momentum, reflecting the public opinion that expects Sino -US relations to return to the right track.

The article says that the diplomatic relations between the country lies in the blindness of the people and the foundation of the development of the relationship between the country and the state is the people of the two countries.In the past few years, Sino -US relations have been hovering in the trough, but the exchanges and exchanges between China and the United States have not been interrupted.Today, when Sino -US relations have fallen into severe difficulties, the people of the two countries have moved forward and more exchanges, which can further enhance the understanding and friendship of the people of the two countries, and return to the right track for Sino -US relations.

The article reviews the history of Sino -US relations, pointing out that civil exchanges have provided motivation for the development of relations between the two countries.Exchange activities such as ping -pong diplomacy with "small ball rotating big balls" have promoted the historic process of normalization of Sino -US relations.The more frequent the people between China and the United States, the more solid the friendship of the two countries, the more popular cooperation.

The article believes that due to the influence of the US government's comprehensive curbing China, China and the United States have suffered serious setbacks in recent years.The U.S. government has introduced a series of restrictions. Some American politicians have also made it difficult for Chinese people to be in the United States, trying to use these manipulation to ugly the image of China, spread suspicion of China in American society, and build anti -China as "political correctness".This is the public opinion foundation trying to destroy Sino -US relations, a great disrespect for the friendship builders of the two countries for decades, and irresponsibility to history.

The more Sino -US relations are in the trough, the more need to strengthen civil exchanges and stabilize the foundation of public opinion.At present, the two countries, folk, cultural, education, think tanks and other fields have been enthusiastic, and they are expected to stabilize Sino -US relations and play an important role in better.

At the end of the article, an important experience in the contribution of China and the United States to the development of relations between the two countries is that the people of China and the United States can completely cross the system, culture, and language to establish a deep friendship.As the frequency of interaction has accelerated in the near future, the improvement and development of Sino -US relations ushered in the "opportunity window".If the U.S. government sincerely maintains the constructive relationship between China and the United States, it should follow public opinion and do more things that help promote the friendship between the two countries, rather than the opposite.