According to the Associated Press, the Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy again released the wind on Tuesday, and Republican members of the House of Representatives may consider conducting an impeachment investigation on President Biden, because it is suspected that the Biden family has financial problems.This may make Biden the fourth president in the history of American history.

On July 25, the Washington Special Administrative Region, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy talked to a reporter in the US Congress Building.(Visual China)

McCarthy's remarks shocked American public opinion because he had previously refused to impeach Biden, saying that he had not seen anything worth taking such extraordinary measures.McCarthy acknowledged that the investigation of the House of Representatives has not yet found any improper financial behavior in the Bayeng family, but he said that the impeachment investigation "can make Congress get information and understand the truth."It is reported that the impeachment survey of the House of Representatives will be the first step in the impeachment.

On Monday evening, McCarthy's attitude towards impeachment Bayon suddenly became determined in a news program in Fox.In an interview with Fox host, McCarthy said that he believed that the Republican members of the House of Representatives "had risen to the level of impeachment survey" by the Republican members of the House of Representatives on Biden's son Heng Biden's commercial transaction.This is considered to be McCarthy's tough remarks that Biden may be impeached.According to the US "Political News Network" report, McCarthy clarified on Tuesday that his speech on Fox did not mean that he had announced any new measures, and when he did not call for the impeachment investigation to give a timetable for the Republicans of the House of Representatives.However, its continuous statement has aroused strong attention from the US media.

The Democratic Party believes that the Republican Party only used the impeachment threat as a political gimmick before the 2024 election to help Trump.Harrison, chairman of the National Committee of the Democratic Party, said sarcastic: "Obviously, Trump is the real House of Representatives." White House spokesman SamFocusing on reducing inflation or creating employment, the real problems that we want us to solve, this is what the Republicans of the House of Representatives are preferred. "